The digital products
A Cartographic Database was created and populated with the Bouguer dataset, using PostgreSQL engine and postGIS extensions.
For each 1.250.000 map, the following digital products are provided:
- Station positions:
Ascii files with the following fields:
("Id", "Xutm32", "Yutm32", "Latwgs84", "Lonwgs84", "Xutm33", "Yutm33", "Objectid", "Nome_sigla") - Vector data:
.shp (Esri shapefile) of the Bouguer Anomalies (d 2.67), contour interval 2 mGal, UTM 32 - Raster data:
.tif (250 dpi) color maps of the Bouguer Anomalies (d 2.67), georeferenced in UTM 32, UTM 33, WGS84. - . tif of the unified color scale