Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The reasons of a National Network

History of ReMI

In 2009 at "Geoitalia - VII Italian Forum of Earth Sciences, in a dedicated session: "Recovery and valorisation of disused mines: the state of the art in Italy", ISPRA devoted attention to the theme of museum recovery of mines and in 2011 published the proceedings of the conference, in the  Booklet Environment and Society, 3/2011 , with the results of the census in progress.

Also in 2009, ISPRA convened a technical working table which brought together the main Italian mining parks and museums, during which the need for a national museum network was decided and the "National Mining Day" was officially established - in close collaboration with the Italian Association for Archaeological and Industrial Heritage (AIPAI), in synergy with the National Geology & Tourism Association, under the patronage of the National Association of Mining Engineers (ANIM) and the Italian Mining Association for the industry mining and oil (ASSOMINERARIA).

The intention was to create a permanent forum for the exchange of information between the various mining realities transformed into museums and to encourage the use of the geological-mining heritage for tourism and cultural purposes.

On 2 October 2015 in Milan at the Expo, during the workshop organized by ISPRA and the Lombardy Region on the enhancement and recovery of abandoned mining sites for cultural purposes, the hoped-for National Network of Parks and Museums was ratified with a Memorandum of Understanding Minerari Italiani, with the patronage of AIPAI and the Ministry for Economic Development.

Documents (in italian)

Video "ReMi - La Rete Nazionale dei Parchi e Musei Minerari italiani"