Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The documentary series

From 2015 (year of birth of the ReMi mining network) to today, a "documentary" editorial series on Italian mining parks and museums has been being created.

The first, created in 2015, "Bagliori di acetilene" concerns the Tuscan coastal mining areas (Val di Cornia and the archaeological park of San Silvestro, the mining park of the Island of Elba and the mine of Rio Marina, the mining park of the Metalliferous Hills and the of Niccioleta) and was presented on 2 October 2015 at the Milan EXPO during the Workshop Il recupero e la valorizzazione dei siti minerari dismessi in Italia, un’occasione di sviluppo per un turismo geologico e culturale”.

Memorie e miniere di Sardegna”,filmed on the occasion of the VIII National Mining Day, it interests and bears witness to the important mining territory of the Sardinian historical-environmental geo-mining park

A tutto Vapore - le miniere dell’Amiata” explores the rich mining territory of the Amiata park and what is culturally valued.

Terre di zolfo - la comunità oltre la miniera” focuses on the sulfur basin of the mining village of formignano and on the museum park of the sulfur mines of the marches which includes the perticara "sulphur" museum.

"Nel cuore delle Montagne, il Parco Minerario della Valle d’Aosta", is dedicated to the history, culture and enhancement of the mining heritage of the Valle d'Aosta Region.


Video "ReMi - La Rete Nazionale dei Parchi e Musei Minerari italiani"

Spot ufficiale ReMi