Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Savuto landslide


Aerial view of landslide slope and monitoring network installed by ISPRA: Rn - Reference GPS station; Sn - Survey-style Gps Station

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Overview of the slope

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Survey-style Gps Station S2 in Cozzo Inostra Ridge


Survey-style Gps Station S1 in Cozzo Inostra Ridge

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Detail of the Survey-style Gps Station S5


Fracture monitoring by CNR-IRPI of Cosenza in Cozzo Inostra Ridge; on the left you may notice the GPS point S6


GPS control point R1 in the Cleto zone (Savuto)

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Survey-style Gps Stations straddling the vertical fracture of a slope block in Cozzo Inostra Ridge: GPS S6 (on the left) and GPS S4 (on the right)


Update: March 28th 2022