Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Organizational Behavior survey in ISPRA : year 2013

The report includes the analysis of first Organizational Behavior survey realized in ISPRA by the O.I.V. (Independent Evaluation Office) of the Institute within the framework of the provisions set out by the legislative Decree n.150/2009. The survey is aimed to analyze the level of organizational behavior, the sharing degree of evaluation system and the manager’s evaluation by the staff.

This survey follows the experimentation realized on 2012 and it has been realized in close collaboration with the CUG (Guarantee Committee) of ISPRA, taking advantage of respective competencies and skills.

The collaboration between OIV and CUG allowed to read the organizational climate indicators inside ISPRA through an analysis integrating organizational dimensions and the state of psycho-physical behavior of personnel.

The report is a first feedback of data collected with survey. The analysis shows some issues of interest that may be subjects of further study after the publication of this report as well as the suggestions provided by the discussion with the personnel.

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Environment and Society