Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Experimental procedure for ecotoxicological characterization of waste
Council Regulation (EU) 2017/997 establishes the methods for hazardous property HP 14 ‘Ecotoxic. The Regulation establishes the criteria for attributing the "ecotoxic" hazard property to waste through the application of the "conventional method", according to which the ecotoxicity is established from a chemical point of view, through the sum of the concentrations of substances classified as "ecotoxic", according to Regulation 2008/1272/EC (CLP regulation).
Booklets   8 / 2024
Operating procedure for the solid phase assay using Aliivibrio fischeri
This document describes the outcomes of a collaborative trial on ecotoxicological measurements in which laboratories belonging to public institutions (ISPRA, ARPA/APPA, Universities and other Research Institutes) and private subjects participated. This study led to the validation of a specific method for freshwater environments for conducting the solid-phase bioassay using the bacterium Aliivibrio fischeri.
Booklets   7 / 2023
Application of isotopic analysis for the proportioning of organic matter: study of an artificial reservoir
With the study of the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen it is possible to quantify the contribution to the total organic substance deriving either from the natural transformation of the biotic component or from anthropic sources such as, for example, urban and/or industrial waste. Recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of such investigations in the identification and evaluation of contributions to organic matter deriving from multiple sources, in fact the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen show an isotopic composition characteristic of the source from which they originate.
Booklets   6 / 2023
Speciation of mercury in sediment and soil: exploratory study
The aim of this study is to share and harmonize different laboratory procedures for mercury speciation to arrive at homogeneous evaluation criteria for environmental management of sediments and soil.
Booklets   2022
Operating procedure for the solid phase assay using Aliivibrio fischeri
Booklets   4 / 2021
Flumentepido area (Sardinia): integrated chemical and ecotoxological approach for sediment assessment
Booklets   3 / 2019
Isotopes: from theory to practice
Booklets   2/bis / 2018
Isotopes : from theory to practice
Booklets   2 / 2018
Dioxin and PCB
Booklets   2016