Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Application of isotopic analysis for the proportioning of organic matter: study of an artificial reservoir

With the study of the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen it is possible to quantify the contribution to the total organic substance deriving either from the natural transformation of the biotic component or from anthropic sources such as, for example, urban and/or industrial waste. Recent research has demonstrated the effectiveness of such investigations in the identification and evaluation of contributions to organic matter deriving from multiple sources, in fact the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen show an isotopic composition characteristic of the source from which they originate.

This case study is based on the Pertusillo reservoir isotopic data characterizing the organic substance present in the sediments, dissolved in water and adsorbed on the suspended particulate material. Furthermore, the potential sources present in the area, such as plankton, oil, urban waste and agricultural sources were also evaluated.

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