Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Work School Alternation: 11 Training programs inside ISPRA: Travel Notes – 2018

The Book, “Work School Alternation - Travel Notes” borns to testify, over the years, the formative experiences lived, at the Institute’s structures, by the students of the last three years of secondary high school institutes with the teaching modality of the school-work alternation.

During all of the Training Programs started in 2018, the students were accompanied in all steps by ISPRA technicians who, with passion, shared their knowledge, also paying particular attention to the motivational and emotional aspects that play a fundamental role in the learning processes.

The initiative was accepted by ISPRA in both of the Roman and Sicilian offices of the Institute and it has allowed to ISPRA to design and deliver training activities on the most interesting and current environmental issues: biodiversity, environmental reports, marine litter, electrosmog, etc


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Environmental Education and Capacity Building