Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Fertilization and larval development bioassays with the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) (Echinodermata : echinoidea)

Booklets on ecotoxicology.

In recent decades, the attention and importance of the ecotoxicological analyzes for the assessment of the effects of pollutants on living organisms is progressively increasing. Following the inclusion of bioassays in the Italian environmental legislation, the availability of standardized methodological protocols is fundamental, complying, together with the scientific approach, with the requisites of a high environmental relevance and with a relative ease of use. The first booklet on ecotoxicology aims to provide the essential methodological aspects for a standardization of fertilization and larval development bioassays with the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, together with suggestions and operational indications concerning, for example, the availability and maintenance of organisms, as well as some specific technical-scientific insights.


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Marine Research