Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


“Fish Fauna” Biological quality Element classification manual for Italian coastal lagoons

Under the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/ EC, ichthyofauna is considered an expression of health and biotic integrity of the transitional aquatic ecosystems, together with other Biological Quality Elements and physico-chemical variables. This Manual, describes the principal fish species occurring within transitional waters as well as the national classification index, Habitat Fish Bio-Indicator (HFBI), for coastal lagoons. The HFBI has been validated at European level and represents the official method for the classification of ecological status of Italian transitional water bodies.

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Errata corrige Table 3

Errata corrige variable calculation specifications for HFBI metrics

Video Sampling of fish fauna with a manual tract network

Handbooks and guidelines