Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Technical document for the update of hazard and risk maps

The “Technical document for the update of hazard and risk maps”, edited by ISPRA, derives from the technical debates in the context  of the Working group instituted at national level for the implementation of the Directive 2007/60/EC, on the assessment and management of flood risks, according to the criteria laid out in the Decree 23 February 2010 n.49, in order to reduce the  consequences of floods to human health, environment, cultural heritage and economic activities. The documents consist of two parts: 1) Fulfilments, concerning the reporting obligations toward the European Community; 2) Critical matters and Proposals, in which the unsolved issues connected to the flood mapping are analyzed and a path for their definition and representation methodologies homogenization is proposed, also on the basis of the results  of the state of art analysis performed by ISPRA in 2008 and presented in March 2009.

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