Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Environmental aspects of relict sand dredging for beach nourishment: a monitoring protocol for dredging area

This volume presents the environmental monitoring protocol related to relict sand dredging for beach nourishment. This protocol represents an update, specific for  the dredging area, of Quaderno  ICRAM n. 5 "Environmental aspects of relict sand dredging for beach nourishment: a monitoring protocol proposal ", published in 2006. The need for this update derives from a greater experience gained in more recent environmental monitoring of dredging sites,  and from the availability of data covering a long term period (even 10 years). The volume also shows the environmental monitoring plan for a “long-term” exploitation of a relict sand deposit located along the Latium continental shelf, and previously subjected to  repeated dredging.


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