Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Guidelines for environmental studies related to the construction of coastal defence works

The paper “Guidelines supporting environmental studies related to coastal defence works“ is intended to be a support instrument for the existing legislation on E.I.A., providing also a useful tool for Public Administrations and technicians involved in the assessment and preparation of the environmental impact studies.

The need to develop the guidelines arises from the consideration that coastal defense works can produce different impacts on habitats and species involved. The process of evaluation of these impacts can sometimes be particularly difficult to evaluate, both for the complexity of coastal environments and forthe strictly local scale at which studies are generally carried out.

The guidelines, through the use of a matrix-system specifically created, allow us to identify a priori the potential impacts expected on the environment, and, above all, the protected habitats and the associated flora and fauna species that can be affected by these impacts.


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Handbooks and guidelines
105 bis/2014