Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Multimedial comunication for environmental information: theoretical and methodological tools

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It expounds the theoretical elements of public communication of knwoledge in environmental field, based on new conceptual and technical tools. It analyses the complex theme and the multi-disciplinary aspects of information retrieval and assessment within the governmental offices.
It has four phases. 1) Analysis of the main models of the standard theory of communication and the definition of the categories classified as ‘old’ and ‘new’ media with the linguistic and conceptual differences among the multi-medial terms: multimedia, hypertext, hypermedia. 2) Study of the standard mass-communication model relating to economic and artistic factors. 3) Scientific evaluation of new technical instruments, starting with a techno-linguistic classification of science’s tools of communication. 4) Definition of methods to develop multi-medial/hyper-medial products for environmental information.
The hyper-medial technological process is a symbolic system of knowledge and a meeting point for technicians involved in multi-medial projects, with particular attention on environmental field.


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