Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Syrphidae (Diptera): biodiversity and conservation

Syrphidae (Diptera), commonly called flower flies, is a very large world-wide family of some 6,000 known species. They have an important ecological role, also as bioindicator, for their environmental stress response ability. Furthermore syrphid flyes hold a in important role in agro-ecosystems, as they are good impollinators and voracious predators of various plant pests.

Nevertheless the current knowledge on their biology end ecology is still incomplete; the present publication has the objective to fill some of these gaps. It is edited as an operative manual that gives an overview on the ecology, biology and sampling methods and, in its second part, includes cards with iconographic material and specific information.

Publication available only on-line

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Handbooks and guidelines