Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The Mycological Flora of the main Italian plant essences

The historical contribution of the ISPRA Center of Excellence at the GMEM-AMB to the habitat management plans of community interest.

This Manual collects historical contributions, from 2012 to 2018, on the knowledge of the mycological flora of the main Italian tree species, carried out by the "ISPRA Center of Excellence for the study of soil biodiversity components" at the "Center for Biodiversity Studies Southern Etruria (CSB) of the GMEM – AMB”.

The data published in the manual concur to the study of the mycological components on the national territory and to the identification of the typical species of the different habitats, including those worthy of protection and how many, due to their characteristics, can be used as bioindicators.

Furthermore, the combination of the types of mycoflora with the European classification systems of natural and anthropic areas makes it possible to insert the reports on the Italian mycoflora in species-habitat databases, representing an indispensable tool for the knowledge of the ecological status of the habitat and for monitoring environmental conservation, mitigation and restoration projects.

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