Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Handbooks and guidelines

Nuclear and radiological emergencies. Handbook for dosimetric assessments and environmental measures
Handbooks and guidelines   57 / 2010
Study methodologies of the marine plancton
Handbooks and guidelines   56 / 2010
Study methodologies of the marine plancton
Handbooks and guidelines   56 / 2010
Training and management of the banquettes of oceainic Posidonia
Handbooks and guidelines   55 / 2010
Ex situ conservation of biodiversity of wild and cultivated plants in Italy.
Handbooks and guidelines   54 / 2010
Analysis and evaluation of hydromorphological aspects
Handbooks and guidelines   2010
Technical - operative handbook for the evaluation and monitoring of the morphology of water courses
Handbooks and guidelines   2010
Multimedial comunication for environmental information: theoretical and methodological tools
Handbooks and guidelines   53 / 2009
Analysis of the compliance with law limits: the role of the uncertainty associated with measurement results
Handbooks and guidelines   52 / 2009
Methodology of analysis and interpretation of web traffic data: the case of APAT website
Handbooks and guidelines   51 / 2009
Environmental balance of Local Institutions
Handbooks and guidelines   50 / 2009
The Carta della Natura Habitats - Descriptions of habitats for cartography at 1: 50,000 scale
Handbooks and guidelines   49 / 2009
The Carta della Natura project - Guidelines for habitat mapping and assessment at 1: 50,000 scale
Handbooks and guidelines   48 / 2009
Handbook for the compilation of the WISE-SOE reporting on rivers and lakes
Handbooks and guidelines   2009
Implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC. Contribution to the methodology for the designation of artificial water bodies and highly modified water bodies
Handbooks and guidelines   2009
New methodological approaches for the classification of the quality status of aquatic ecosystems of transition
Handbooks and guidelines   2009
Biodiversity indicators for sustainability in agriculture.
Handbooks and guidelines   47 / 2008
Guidelines to manage and improvement of sites and geomining parks
Handbooks and guidelines   46 / 2008
Cycles of Production and business environmental accounting
Handbooks and guidelines   2008
Compensation for environmental damage: theoretical and operational aspects of the economic assessment
Handbooks and guidelines   2008