Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Handbooks and guidelines

Guidelines on EMAS and EU Ecolabel for tourism
Federal Council Approval 15.03.2016. Doc. n. 70/CF
Handbooks and guidelines   134 / 2016
Guidelines for Integrated Environmental and Health Impact Assessment in environmental procedures (EIA, SEA, IEP)
Handbooks and guidelines   133 / 2016
The Geomorphic Unit survey and classification System (GUS)
Handbooks and guidelines   132 / 2016
IDRAIM - System for stream hydromorphological assessment, analysis, and monitoring - Edition updated to 2016
Handbooks and guidelines   131 / 2016
Guidelines on information, assistance and controls to EMAS registered organizations or applying for
Federal Council Approval 3/11/15. Doc. 59/15 CF
Handbooks and guidelines   130 / 2016
Guidelines of sustainable urban forestry for the Municipality of Rome
Handbooks and guidelines   129/bis / 2015
Guidelines of sustainable urban forestry for Roma Capitale
Handbooks and guidelines   129 / 2015
Syrphidae (Diptera): biodiversity and conservation
Handbooks and guidelines   128 / 2015
Information system for the environmental monitoring of offshore sand deposits in coastal protection projects: env_Sand geodatabase
Handbooks and guidelines   127 / 2015
Environment, landscape and infrastructures. IV Volume
Handbooks and guidelines   126 / 2015
Manual for asbestos risk assessment in environmental agencies
Handbooks and guidelines   125 / 2015
Practical guidance to assess and prepare SEA documents
Handbooks and guidelines   124 / 2015
Measurement procedure for the determination of total hydrocarbons in waters
Handbooks and guidelines   123 / 2015
The Geomorphic Unit survey and classification System
Handbooks and guidelines   122 / 2015
Critical issues in the accreditation process of ecotoxicological assays
Handbooks and guidelines   121 / 2015
Guidance to control activities in constructed wetlands plants
Handbooks and guidelines   120 / 2015
Manual for fire and ATEX risk assessment in environmental agencies
Handbooks and guidelines   115 / 2015
Model for the evaluation of the feasibility of treated wastewater reuse
Handbooks and guidelines   80 / 2014
Italian Mushrooms within Habitat Classification Systems
First Correlation among Mushroom Species, Habitat types and Land Cover in Italy
Handbooks and guidelines   119 / 2014
Procedures for collection in situ and conservation ex situ of plant germplasm
Handbooks and guidelines   118 / 2014