Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Handbooks and guidelines

Method for the measurement of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in water by cuvette test.
Handbooks and guidelines   117 / 2014
Water monitoring network and programmes design compliant with Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 (which transposed European Directive 2000/60/CE).
Resolution of the Federal Council of the Regional Environmental Agencies . Meeting of 30 June 2014 DOC . 42 /14 CF
Handbooks and guidelines   116 / 2014
Release prevention, environmental behaviour, remediation and monitoring of biofuels
Handbooks and guidelines   114 / 2014
IDRAIM - System for stream hydromorphological assessment, analysis, and monitoring
Handbooks and guidelines   113 / 2014
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Italian Emission Inventory. Procedures Manual 2014
Handbooks and guidelines   112 / 2014
Biological methods for inland surface waters
Handbooks and guidelines   111 / 2014
An illustrated guide to some common diatom species from Italy
Handbooks and guidelines   110 / 2014
Elements for the update of technical standards in the field of environmental assessment
Handbooks and guidelines   109 / 2014
Guideline for the quality assurance and quality control activities (QA/QC procedures) on the instrumentations of air quality monitoring networks, according to the Legislative Decree 155/2010 and subsequent amendments, transposing into national law Direct
Handbooks and guidelines   108 / 2014
Guidelines for the assessment of river macrobenthic component according to DM 260/2010
Handbooks and guidelines   107 / 2014
Conservation and management of natural marine and coastal ecosystems.The transplanting of Posidonia oceanica.
Handbooks and guidelines   106 / 2014
Guidelines for environmental studies related to the construction of coastal defence works
Handbooks and guidelines   105 bis / 2014
Guidelines supporting environmental studies related to coastal defence works
Handbooks and guidelines   105 / 2014
Guidelines for the monitoring of road infrastructure noise
Handbooks and guidelines   99 / 2013
Guidelines for the testing of noise abatement plans effectiveness for linear transport infrastructures The Guidelines set out a methodology to carry out noise abatement plans for linear transport infrastructures.
Handbooks and guidelines   98 / 2013
Protocol of agreement related to the installation of low power and small dimensions repeaters, in accordance with article 35, paragraph 4 of D.L. 6 July 2011, n. 98, as converted by Law 15 July 2011, n. 111.
Handbooks and guidelines   97 / 2013
Protocol of agreement about the activation of low power and small dimensions systems in accordance with article 35, paragraph 4 of Law 15 July 2011, n. 111, and for for tracking changes in systems without any variation of the electromagnetic impact in acc
Handbooks and guidelines   96 / 2013
Report for investigation purposes in support of the legislator for modifications to the regulatory framework about RF-CEM drawn up by ISPRA-ARPA and FUB
Handbooks and guidelines   95 / 2013
Best practices for safe diving activities of Ispra and Environmental Agencies
Handbooks and guidelines   94 / 2013
Criteria and guidelines to assess health and safety
Handbooks and guidelines   93 / 2013