Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


“COLORI PROFONDI DEL MEDITERRANEO” - information to buy the book

The publication “Colori profondi del Meditterraneo" (Deep colors of the Mediterranean) is the result of a selection of photographic material collected by ISPRA in more than 50 oceanographic campaigns and almost 900 dives to depths, thank to the R/V Astrea ship of ISPRA  and a sophisticated wire-guided robot, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) capable of capturing images, videos and small samples of living organisms. The photographic volume aims to spread  the discoveries made in the last 10 years and describes a world of research, passion and dedication, which has brought to light extraordinary environments.

“COLORI PROFONDI DEL MEDITERRANEO” Book price € 40.00 (VAT included) + shipping cost charges *

* -Italy = € 7,55

- Foreign countries = to be determined

- Pick up in ISPRA = no shipping costs


The purchase request must be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address:

Purchase information

The applicant will receive a confirmation of book available and the detailed purchase procedure. Payment must be made by bank transfer on ISPRA account. A copy of the bill payment and the “Personal information” form, to issue the invoice, must be sent by mail. After payment, ISPRA will provide to send the book by registered post R/T, with the original invoice attached and the covering letter, or to deliver it in location, by appointment.