Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Marine Meeting contributions

Rome, 25-26 October 2012

The marine meeting, organized by the Geological Survey of Italy – ISPRA together with the Department of Geological Sciences of the RomaTRE University, was held on the 25-26 of October 2012 at the Aula Magna of the Rectorate. Participation of experts of different disciplines contributed to the discussion of several characteristics of the marine environment, from a prevailingly geological perspective.

Progresses in marine studies, which are usually carried out within a restricted field, evidenced that an integrated approach is necessary in order to tackle the issues linked to submerged environments with a wider view. Several parameters should be taken into account for a better understanding of their complexity.

The meeting was structured on two days, subdivided into sessions. Each session was characterized by a main focus, but contributions frequently breached from one session to another, producing a continuity which evidenced the connections between the subjects tackled.

This volume contains extended abstracts of a number of contributions which were presented in different sessions of the meeting.

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