Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


X Report "Quality of the urban environment" – Edition 2014

The “Quality of the urban environment” Report reached its tenth edition. Edited by the National System for Environmental Protection (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research –ISPRA, Regional and Provincial Agencies for Environmental Protection - ARPA/APPA), the Report became a well-established reference for researchers, local administrators and other users thanks to the assessments of the numerous data provided and the expert-based analysis through which phenomena are analyzed and intervention strategies outlined. The Edition 2014 offers a broad set of environmental urban indicators, which are revisited, updated and enriched every year to achieve an in-depth analysis of urban environment and an assessment of Italian citizens wellbeing. The tenth Report examines 13 new cities, thus in total 73 Municipalities are analyzed (including almost all provincial county towns with a population above 50.000 inhabitants and all Italian regional county seats).

Publication available only on-line

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State of the Environment