Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Publications of the Agency System

Manual for fire and ATEX risk assessment in environmental agencies
Handbooks and guidelines   115 / 2015
Urban environment quality - X Report - Focus on the City and climate change challenge
State of the Environment   54 / 2014
X Report "Quality of the urban environment" – Edition 2014
State of the Environment   53 / 2014
Urban environment : getting to know and assess the complexity
State of the Environment   52 / 2014
Water monitoring network and programmes design compliant with Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 (which transposed European Directive 2000/60/CE)
Resolutionof the FederalCouncil of the Regional Environmental Agencies.Meeting of 30June 2014 DOC.42/14CF
Handbooks and guidelines   116 / 2014
Biological methods for inland surface waters
Handbooks and guidelines   111 / 2014
The guideline is designed to ensure consistent criteria in the implementation of Directive 2008/50/EC on the whole national territory with regard to the quality assurance and quality control activities (QA/QC procedures)on the instrumentations of air qual
Handbooks and guidelines   108 / 2014
Towards the Seveso III: experiences of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) in execution of Legislative Decree n. 334/99
Technical seminar ISPRA/ARPA/APPA
Proceedings   2014
Guidelines for the monitoring of road infrastructure noise
Handbooks and guidelines   99 / 2013
Protocol of agreement related to the installation of low power and small dimensions repeaters, in accordance with article 35, paragraph 4 of D.L. 6 July 2011, n. 98, as converted by Law 15 July 2011, n. 111.
-   97 / 2013
Report for investigation purposes in support of the legislator for modifications to the regulatory framework about RF-CEM drawn up by ISPRA-ARPA and FUB
Handbooks and guidelines   95 / 2013
Criteria and guidelines to assess health and safety
Handbooks and guidelines   93 / 2013
Handbooks and guidelines   92 / 2013
Technical manual for operators of continuous monitoring of emissions into the atmosphere (EMS) - 2012 Edition
Handbooks and guidelines   87 / 2013
Focus on water and marine environment
Urban Environment Quality - IX Report
State of the Environment   46 / 2013
IX Report "Quality of the urban environment"
State of the Environment   45 / 2013
Urban Environment Quality 2010 - VII edition
State of the Environment   21 / 2013
Analysis of the resources of the Agency System in relation to the implementation of the Reach Regulation
Reports   182 / 2013
Urban Environment Quality 2009 - VI edition - Abstract
State of the Environment   18 / 2013
Guidelines for assessing and monitoring the noise environmental impact of wind farms
Handbooks and guidelines   103 / 2013