Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


“Dichiarazione Fgas”: reporting year 2013, analysis of the collected data.

The FGas Regulations (Regulation EC 842/2006, repealed and replaced by Regulation EU n517/2014) have been adopted and implemented in the EU to reduce the impact of fluorinated gas emissions, which are included among greenhouse gases and have significant GWP values.Article 16 (1) of the Presidential Decree n.43, adopted on 27th January 2012 (DPR n.43/2012), established a reporting obligation for the operators of stationary appliances for air conditioning, heat pump, refrigerationand for stationary fire extinguishing systems with a charge of greenhouse FGas exceeding 3 kg. Within 31stMay every year the operators in the scope of article 16(1) shall report emissions data referring to theprevious year, the so called “Dichiarazione FGas”. According to art. 16(5) ISPRA is expected to report annually about the collected data. The present report aims at presenting the results of the data analysis for the reporting year 2013.

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