Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Gamma network : automatic network of environmental radioactive monitoring. Edition 2011

Ispra, according to the provisions of art. 123 of Legislative Decree 230/95 which provides for the establishment of Cevad, has set up a monitoring radiometric network able to provide to Cevad the situation of environmental radioactivity on the national territory in real time.
The monitoring network consists of 59 units that automatically and continuously measure the gamma dose in air (air kerma), distributed throughout the country on the basis of uniformity criteria, significance of the measurement points and proximity to population centers.This report provides the status of the monitoring network in 2011.
In particular, through tabs inclusive of maps and images, are shown more information about monitoring stations and the values measured during the whole calendar year, together with an analysis of the data provided.

Publication available only on-line

