Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Landslides, floods and coastal erosion in Italy: hazard and risk indicators - Report 2015

The Report provides an overview on landslides, floods and coastal erosion in Italy. It presents the national maps of landslide hazard and hydraulic hazard (Legislative Decree no. 49/2010, Floods Directive 2007/60/EC), realized in 2015 by ISPRA through the harmonization and mosaic of the hazard zones mapped by the River Basin Authorities, Regions and Autonomous Provinces


Publication available only on-line

Download the publication (Ita pdf - 12.7 mb)

Appendix Report 233/2015 (Ita pdf - 9.8 mb)

Synthesis Report 233/2015 (ita - 2.4 mb)
