Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Protection of the ecological connectivity of the area and linear infrastructures

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The Report is structured to highlight the technical possibilities to find a solution to the phenomenon of fragmentation of land resulting from linear infrastructures such as roads, railways, high voltage power lines and pipelines. The publication addresses the problem both at local and large scale, presenting an overview ofthe  mitigation and compensative interventions and proposing a methodology for choosing the path causing the minimum impact. Pursuing the goal of reaching a product shared by the main categories of stakeholders (stakeholders) about this subject, the realization of the Report, which is the precursor for the production of specific guidelines, brought together around the same table the major institutions and companies involved  nationwide in the implementation of this kind of infrastructures, as well as environmental and scientific organizations and associations  engaged in various forms and at different levels, in the protection of biodiversity at local level.

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