Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


SNPA activation report in emergency situations

The first report on the activations of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) in emergency situations was developed by ISPRA, with the collaboration of the Network representatives SNPA operational for environmental emergencies based on data relating to events that occurred in 2019.

The report, created thanks to the data provided by the Agencies, describes and compares the different regional realities through the analysis of some parameters, which represent a simplified and schematic way to describe a complex system such as the one put in place for the management of environmental emergencies .

The events covered in the report are those relating to the activations that led to the dispatch of technicians from the Agencies to the place of the event; the data relating to activations managed entirely remotely were not processed. It goes without saying that the report is not indicative of all the environmental emergencies that occurred in 2019, but only of those that saw the System called upon to provide technical-scientific support to decision makers.

The report, divided into two parts, one of a local nature (regional / provincial scale), the other of a national nature, presents an initial cognitive picture of the activities of the SNPA in the context of environmental emergencies, through the application of a statistical approach that , starting from the number of activations registered during 2019 at a regional level, it produces aggregated information at a national level, returning it in the form of graphic elaborations and tables.

The Report intends to lay the foundations for a monitoring process over the years of activations with

the objective of contributing internally to the SNPA (National System for Environmental Protection) to the improvement and implementation of actions in support of the activities themselves, also laying the foundations for the remodeling and revision of the emergency event registration system and perform a dissemination function towards a wider public than professionals, in order to inform and make known the role of the SNPA in the management of environmental emergencies and to encourage active participation in the process and raise awareness of environmental issues.

Publication available only online

Download the publication  (pdf - 8 mb)
