Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Status of contaminated sites management in Italy: regional data

The first report on the contaminated sites management at regional level is a result of the cooperation between SNPA and Regions/Autonomous Provinces and provides an overview of the existing information and the analysis of the available data at present.

The report presents the data assessment in terms of the number of sites and the related surfaces subjected to contamination management procedures collected at 31.12.2019.

Collected data do not cover Sites of National Interest (SIN) – 41 National Priority List Sites– under the direct care of the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea (now Ministry for the Ecological Transition - MiTE) but only sites included in the regional inventories that are managed at regional/local level.

Available data cover all regions and autonomous provinces of Italy with a level of detail down to the single municipality and allow to describe the procedural steps and the state of site contamination for both ongoing and completed administrative management procedures.

The total number of contaminated sites management procedures is 34.478 of which 16.264 are in progress and 17.862 completed.

The total surface of the sites subjected to the management procedures is known only for a part of the collected sites (67%); it is equal to 65,661 hectares (66 sq km) and represents the 0.22% of the whole surface of the Italian territory. Ongoing management interests 37,816 hectares and 28,745 hectares have the administrative procedure concluded.


The version available here replaces and updates the one previously published on March 4, 2021
The summary in english of the main contents of the Report “Status of contaminated sites management in Italy: regional data” is also available below

Download the publication  (pdf - 18,3mb)

Synthesis of the Report Status of contaminated sites management in Italy: regional data (pdf 2,4 mb)
