Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



National report on pesticides in water – 2015-2016 data
Reports   282 / 2018
Atmospheric emission factors of greenhouse gases and other pollutants from power sector
Reports   280 / 2018
Food wastage: a systemic approach for structural prevention and reduction
Reports   279 / 2018
Report on the alternatives to hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) in Italy
Reports   268 / 2018
Survey on Italian organizations that dropped out of EMAS: analysis of motivations and potential measures to re-launch the Scheme
Reports   249/bis / 2018
Comparison between energy consumption and heating degree days (HDD). Projections to 2050 of HDD in different climate scenarios
Reports   277 / 2017
Review of the interlaboratory comparisons in the ecotoxicological field organized by ISPRA (2003-2016)
Reports   276 / 2017
Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts. Year 2016: Working Programme ISPRA/ARPA: Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms along the italian coasts
Reports   275 / 2017
“Carta della Natura of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park – Explanatory notes to the Habitats Map at 1:25.000 scale”
Reports   274 / 2017
Municipal Waste Report - edition 2017. Extract
-   273 / 2017
Municipal Waste Report - edition 2017
Reports   272 / 2017
Habitat and Biodiversity of the "Barsento" natural area (BA, Apulia, Italy) - Map of Habitats at 1: 10,000 scale
Reports   271 / 2017
Air pollution and cultural heritage: effects on materials in Rome
Reports   270 / 2017
Map of naturalistic-cultural value of Italy. An application within the “Carta della Natura” System
Reports   269 / 2017
Food waste : a systemic approach for structural prevention and reduction
Reports   267 / 2017
Soil consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services.Edition 2017
Reports   266 / 2017
Report on Non-Municipal Waste - Edition 2017 - summary
Reports   265 / 2017
Report on Non-Municipal Waste
Reports   264 / 2017
Evaluation of the automatic identification and counting system of Ostreopsis ovata cells Working Group activities
Reports   263 / 2017
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2015. Informative Inventory Report 2017
Reports   262 / 2017