Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Urban waste report 2011
Reports   141 / 2011
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2009: National Inventory Report 2011
Reports   139 / 2011
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2009. Informative Inventory Report 2011
Reports   138 / 2011
Thermoelectric production and CO2 emissions. Renewable energy sources and Emissions Trading Scheme plants
Reports   135 / 2011
Large combustion plants: total emissions, specific emissions and concentrations
Reports   132 / 2011
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System in Italy. Year 2010
Reports   n.120 / 2010
Thurses in Italy
Reports   N.123 / 2010
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Italian Emission Inventory. Year 2010
Reports   N.121 / 2010
Towards an ecosystem approach of urban and peri-urban green areas's
Reports   N.118 / 2010
Monitoring Ostreopsis ovata and other potentially toxic algae along the Italian coast in 2007-2009
Reports   N. 127 / 2010
Analysis of the air quality plans for the year 2007
Reports   N. 126 / 2010
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2008
Reports   N. 122 / 2010
National monitoring of pesticides in water. Data refered to 2007 - 2008
Reports   N. 114 / 2010
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2008. National Inventory Report 2010
Reports   N. 113 / 2010
Urban Wastes Report - Edition 2009
Reports   N. 108 / 2010
Environmental risks associated with the use of biomass for direct production of energy. Technical and economic
Reports   N. 105 / 2010
2009 Italy Climate Policy Progress Report
Reports   N. 104 / 2010
Conclusive analysis related to Corine Land Cover 2000 cartography
Reports   130 / 2010
Methodological tools for sustainable planning and management of irrigation in drought conditions. Irrigation Management During Drought Periods in Europe - ISPRA's Activities
Reports   129 / 2010
Multifunctionality of the agricultural enterprises and environmental sustainability
Reports   128 / 2010