Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Gender balance ISPRA 2022

In line with both national and international regulatory provisions, ISPRA has included among the Actions envisaged by the Integrated Programming Document for the years 2022/2024 the drafting of the Gender Budget (Bdg), in order to promote equal opportunities and the balance of gender among the staff.

The Gender Budget ISPRA is therefore in its first edition and the goal is for it to become the tool that, when fully operational, can support and direct the distribution of budget resources in order to eliminate gender inequalities among personnel.

The document aims to be a first approach to this "new" way of analyzing budget expenditure which will need to be perfected in the years to come, through the adoption of tools that also allow the scope of analysis to be extended.

The data analysis in this first edition begins with a section dedicated to the description of the personnel structure, with insights into the relationship of femininity by age group and level of research, administrative and technical personnel and on the relationship of femininity by class of personnel with executive roles and remunerated coordination roles, as well as that relating to the composition of the Institute's statutory bodies.

The analysis of career progression follows through two indices: the Glass Ceiling Index (GCI) which measures the relative probability of women, compared to men, of reaching the top positions in their careers and the Progression Glass Ceiling Index (PGCI) which expresses the proportion of women employed in a certain level on the proportion of women employed in the higher level.

Then the analysis of the different types of flexible work (part-time, teleworking and smart working), staff missions and absences (sickness, holidays, leave) to then move on to the analysis of the Institute's investments in staff training , the designation of the project managers of the technical-scientific activities to conclude with the analysis of the positive actions planned and implemented, aimed at promoting equal opportunities, the enhancement of the well-being of those who work and against discrimination.

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