Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Development of geological knowledge on the Apulian-Campanian and Tuscan-Umbrian-Marchean Apennines

This volume contains the works presented on the occasion of the day dedicated to the memory of Alfredo Jacobacci, Director of the Geological Survey from 1973 to 1986, and represents a contribution and a further deepening of the geological knowledge of the Apennines.


Publication in Italian

Cost of the volume 30,00 € TAX included

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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 77/2008


Introduction - Introduction to the study day in memory of Alfredo Jacobacci

Martelli G. - Remember of Alfredo Jacobacci

Zanzucchi G. - A geologic walk with Alfredo Jacobacci along the via Francigena between Parma and Berceto

Centamore E. - From Piombino to the Marchean region. A long route with Alfredo Jacobacci….. it still goes

Tavernelli E. - Alfredo Jacobacci, Professor at the University of Siena - his contribution to understanding the deep structure of the Umbria-Marche Apennines, Italy

Chiarini E., D'Orefice M., Graciotti R., La Posta E. & Papasodaro F. - Lamberto Pannuzi: from geology to geomorfology

Cestari R. - Rudists as stratigraphic constraint for the geological surveying in some fossiliferous sites of central Apennines


Lazzari M. - Tectonic and sedimentary behaviour of the Bradanic Foredeep basin during Early Pleistocene

Pescatore T.S., Di Nocera S., Matano F., Pinto F., Quarantiello R., Amore O., Boiano U., Civile D., Fiorillo L., & Martino C. - Geology of the central sector of Sannio Mountains: new stratigraphic and structural data

Gallicchio S., Sabato L. & Pieri P. - The Livello Bonarelli and other Cretaceous anoxic events in the Flysch Rosso: the argilliti e radiolariti di Campomaggiore unit (Basilicata, Lucanian Apennines)

Labriola M., Onofrio V., Gallicchio S. & Tropeano M. - Stratigraphic and structural features of the frontal sector of the Lucanian Apennines between Acerenza and Oppido Lucano (Potenza, Basilicata)

Cilumbriello A., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. - Geological mapping problems regarding the regressive Quaternary deposits of the Bradanic Trough cycle: the key area between Banzi and Genzano di Lucania (Basilicata, southern Italy)

Spalluto L. & Pieri P. - Geologic map of the mesozoic-cenozoic carbonate units crop-ping out in the south-western Gargano promontory (southern italy): new stratigraphic constraints for the tectonic evolution of the area

Celico F. & Petrella E. - Updated hydrogeological model of the north-western part of Matese carbonate aquifer - preliminary study

Bruno R., Esposito L., Mainolfi L., Monacelli G., Panza R., Scalise A.R. & Valletta M. - The Daunia Formation (centre-southern Appennines): an example of minor aquifer

Bruno R., Esposito L., Mainolfi L. & Valletta M. - Protecting aquifers through evaluation of intrinsic vulnerability of pollution: examples of its application in the Benevento area (Campania)

Cianchi M.E., Nappi G., Pacchiarotti G., Piscopo V., Sibi P. & Valletta M. - Geological heritage of the area on surroundings of Bolsena Lake and of upper water-course of Marta River, Geosites and Sustainable Development. A multiscientific methodological proposal

Zaccara G., Beneo G., Chiocchini U., Compagnoni B., Sacchi L., Scalise A.R. & Valletta M. - Remembrance of Attilio Moretti (1910-1998)

Brugner R., Menotti R.M., Valdinucci A. & Ventura G. - Walter Brugner (1920-1994) and Alvaro Valdinucci (1918-1995): two geologists at the service of the Italian State


  • Programme
  • Participants in the "Study day in memory of Alfredo Jacobacci"
  • Acknowledgment

Geological Map of Italy at 1:100.000 scale - Sheet n. 127 "Piombino", 1968