Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Geological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale: geothematic cartography of the sheet 348 Antrodoco

In this volume the Department for the Geological Survey of Italy, and in particular the Survey for Applied Geology, Basin Planning, hydrogeological risk management, hydrogeology and groundwater dynamics, presents the results of a multidisciplinary study conducted over several years in the area of the "Antrodoco" sheet of the map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale. The project starts from the need to test the existing methodologies for the creation of maps on large areas and offer a shared and accurate method and at the same time as simple as possible and based on data easily available or directly detectable on the ground. As far as slope instability is concerned, the project aims to compare itself in particular with what has been achieved so far within the framework of the National Geological and Geothematic Cartography Plan (CARG Project), which has so far produced four experimental sheets of geological hazard connected to slope instability at a scale of 1:50,000. In the area of the sheet, the susceptibility to landslide phenomena defined as a quantitative or qualitative estimate of the type, volume (or area) and distribution of existing or potential landslides has been analysed. Finally, different methods for classifying susceptibility maps are proposed in order to verify to what extent the choice of one or the other criterion affects the quality of the results.

The volume also presents a hydrogeological cartography in the area of the Sheet 348 Antrodoco, as an integration of the CARG Project (scale 1:50,000). The study area involves a sector of the Apennine carbonate chain with a wealth of good quality groundwater. A census of water points was carried out and a control network was selected to carry out flow measurements and water analysis. Conceptual models of the aquifers concerned were defined and the main hydrostructures in which an attempt to calculate the hydrogeological balance was made were delimited. The guidelines of the National Geological Survey (Quaderni serie III, vol. 5, 1995) and the subsequent proposals for integration derived from some experimental tests of applicability were used for the detection and representation of the hydrogeological data. The Hydrogeological Map in the area of the Antrodoco Sheet is a first example of a CARG sheet dedicated to Hydrogeology. Its realization has also contributed to the definition of the new guidelines of ISPRA-Geological Survey of Italy (Quaderni serie III, vol. 14, 2018).

Cost of the volume 23,00 € TAX included

Publication in Italian

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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 103/2018




  1. Introduzione
  2. Inquadramento geologico-strutturale e geomorfologico
  3. Inquadramento idrogeologico
  4. Presentazione ed elaborazione dei dati idrogeologici e della rete di controllo
  5. Idrologia di superficie
  6. Idrologia sotterranea e tentativo di valutazione del bilancio idrogeologico
  7. Opere idrauliche
  8. Considerazioni conclusive

  1. Introduzione
  2. Inquadramento geografico e geologico
  3. Caratteristiche litologiche tecniche
  4. Lineamenti geomorfologici
  5. Le frane
  6. Aspetti climatici e pluviometrici
  7. La valutazione della propensione al dissesto: metodi statistici
  8. La valutazione della propensione al dissesto: metodi deterministici
  9. Considerazioni conclusive

Carte allegate: