Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Intrinsic vulnerability maps integrated with groundwater monitoring network design. Methodological proposal and first application in the north-central part of the province of Rome

This volume contains the results of a project, promoted in 2002 by the Geological Survey of Italy, aiming to deepen the relationship between vulnerability of the aquifer system, configuration of anthropogenic loads and specificity of the monitoring. In the volume are inclosed vulnerability maps integrated in an monitoring objective and a CD-Rom containing the main hydrochemical data.


Publication in Italian

Cost of the volume 25,00 € TAX included

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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 73/2006



MARI G.M. - Intrinsic vulnerability maps integrated with groundwater monitoring network design. Methodological proposal and first application in the north-central part of the province of Rome. Aim and contents of the research project

GIULIANO G., PREZIOSI E., PETRANGELI A.B., VIVONA R., PATERA A., DE LUCA A., BARBIERO G. - Integrating groundwater monitoring net-works with vulnerability mapping. A methodological proposal and application to a case study in the province of Rome

1. Introduction

2. Research general characteristics

3. Reference hydrogeological scenery

4. Regional planning and potential sources of pollution

5. Experimental activity and processing of relative data

ERRATA CORRIGE: fig. 16, page 35

6. Georeferenced numerical cartography of vulnerability

7. Criteria and methods of selection of the monitoring network integrated with vulnerability

8. Evaluation of the resources

9. Conclusions
