Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The geology of Rome. From the historical center to the outskirts

The work consists of two volumes in slipcase, and illustrates the geological knowledge of the soil and subsoil of the Roman area from the historic center to the outskirts coming from recent surveys carried out during the project of geological mapping at 1:50,000 scale (CARG) and during research carried out over the past decade. The first volume deals with specific geological characters of the Roman area and how they have influenced its development since ancient times. The second volume highlights the hazards factors and the ancient and current risks on the basis of geological features, the evolution of urban development and the different types of the natural hazard. It's supplied by the Geological Map of the Municipality of Rome at 1:50,000 scale and a cartographic DVD.

Publication in Italian

Available only on line

Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia

Piano dell'opera





Rome owes its fortune to the geology of the area

Mattei M., Funiciello R., Parotto M. - Rome and recent geodynamic evolution of Central Italy

The specific geological characters of the Roman area

Parotto M. - The paleogeographic evolution of the Roman area: a synthesis

Funiciello R., Giordano G. - The Geological Map of Rome: lithostratigraphy and stratigraphic organisation

Giordano G. - The volcanoes around Rome: eruptive history and hazard

Cesi C., Eulilli V., Ferri F. - Gravity anomalies analysis and  interpretation of Rome area: correlation with surface geological elements and deep structures

Kotsakis T., Barisone G. - A short account on fossil vertebrates of Rome

Testa O., Campolunghi M.P., Funiciello R., Lanzini M. - Backfill covers and the original shape of the city of Rome

Mangianti F., Leone F. - Temperatures and rainfalls in Rome: a climatic analysis


The ancient resources and the current ones

Lombardi L., Corazza A. - Water and the city in antiquity

Capelli G., Mazza R., Taviani S. - Groundwater in the city of Rome

Mottana A., Bellatreccia F., Della Ventura G. - The Minerals of Rome and its surroundings

Giampaolo C., Lombardi G., Mariottini M. - Stones and buildings of Rome: from antiquity to the present day

Barberi F., Carapezza M.L., Giordano G., Pensa A., Ranaldi M. - The geothermal resources of the city of Rome: the case study of the confined aquifer within the basal conglomerate of the Tiber river alluvional deposits

Rossi A., Bonamico A. - Parks and protected natural areas




Hazard factors and ancient and current risks

Funiciello R., Cologgi P. - Geological features, hazard and urban development

Donati S., Cifelli F., Funiciello F. - High-density macroseismic investigation in the city of Rome for the study of seismic effect

Arnoldus-Huyzendveld A. - Environmental appraisal of the non urbanized soils

Salzano R., Angelone M., Sprovieri F. - Soil geochemistry in the urban area of Rome

Campolunghi M.P., Capelli G., Funiciello R., Lanzini M. - Settlement phoenomena in Rome’s holocenic alluvial deposits: a geotecnical
and stratigraphical study

Amanti M., Cesi C., Vitale V. - Landslides distribution in the Roma municipality


The municipality: a system between geology and history

La Vigna F., Capelli G., Mazza R. - Hydrogeological setting of the roman Aniene River basin

Rischia I., Serva L., Ferreli L., Ferro M., Pantaleone A.N. - The Colli Aniene ground water: from a problem to a potential resource

Mazza R., Capelli G., Lanzini M. - Risk of underground cavity collapse in the area of the 6th sub-municipality of Rome

Cesi C., Eulilli V., Ferri F. - Subsoil investigation by indirect methods in the Cecilia Metella archeological site

Lanzini M., Mazza R., Capelli G. - Tiber floods and historical hydrogeological hazards in the Prati-Balduina area of Rome

Campolunghi M.P., Capelli G., Funiciello R., Lanzini M., Mazza R., Casacchia R. - Structural settlements affecting some buildings of Via Giustiniano Imperatore in Rome (Italy)

Praturlon A. - The old and the recent Tiber Delta
( Fiumicino and Ostia, the beach and harbour of Rome)

Capelli G., Mazza R. - Salt water intrusion into the Tiber river delta: evolution of the phenomenon in the early years of the third millennium

Funiciello R., Testa O. - Morphological changes and urban development in the city of Rome: the right-side of the Tiber

Bonci L., Calcaterra S., Gambino P., Vullo F. - Geodetic monitoring with total station in emergency condition in Gianicolense district (Rome)

Cosentino D., Cipollari P., Di Bella L., Esposito A., Faranda C., Funiciello R., Giordano G., Gliozzi E., Mattei M., Mazzini I., Porreca M. - Geology of the Farnesina Mts. (Rome): new data from the Giovanni XXIII tunnel system

Geological map of Municipality of Rome

Geologica map of Municipality of Rome - Legenda