Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The sinkholes: methodologies of investigation, historical research, monitoring and technique of intervention

Towns and natural processes of instability: evaluation, monitoring and mitigation

This volume contains the papers presented and discussed during the international conference Geo-Italy, VIII Forum of Earth Sciences, organized by FIST (Italian Federation of Earth Sciences), held in Turin from 19 to 23 September 2011. In particular 20 works have been collected, selected from the most peculiar studies, discussed in two scientific sessions properly organized by the researchers.


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Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 93/2013



Agnese C., Casillo F., Nigrelli G. & Luino F. - Historical investigations as a tool for a correct land-use planning

Albanesi M., Nisio S., Picuti M.R. & Scarpignato M. - The study case of Bevagna sinkholes (Perugia district)

Amanti M., Troccoli A. & Vitale V. - Geomorphological hazard in the Roma Municipality. Critical analysis of two case studies: Inferno Valley and Almone Valley

Basso N., Ciotoli G., Finoia M.G., Guarino P.M., Miraglino P. & Nisio S. - Susceptibility to anthropogenic sinkholes in the Naples district

Bonamini M., Di Maggio C., Lollino P., Madonia G., Parise M. & Vattano M. - Study of anthropogenic sinkholes in the Marsala area (western Sicily) through field surveys and numerical analyses of instability processes in underground quarries

Caporale F., De Venuto G., Leandro G. & Spilotro G. - Sinkhole Mitigation Risk Intervention in the Lesina Marina Area (Province of Foggia, Italy)

Ciotoli G., Corazza A., Finoia M.G., Nisio S., Serafini R. & Succhiarelli C. - Anthropogenic sinkholes in the territory of Roma Capitale

Corda A.S., Mureddu A. & Renis M. - Sinkholes in the Sardinia Region (Italy): Mines and karst Cavities

Di Crescenzo G., Liuzza V., Santangelo N., Santo A. & Scorpio V. - Flood susceptibility assessment in urbanized areas: cases study in Campanian Appennines

Di Crescenzo G. & Santo A. - Preliminary data about tectonic setting and joint pattern of the carbonate slopes and related sinkholes (central and southern Apennines)

Fiore A. & Parise M. - History of sinkhole events in Apulia, Italy, with particular regard to the interactions with the anthropogenic environment

Gil H., Pepe M., Soriano M.A., Parise M., Pocovì A., Luzòn A., Pérez A. & Basso A. - Development and evolution of sinkholes in soluble rocks: a comparison between the mantled karst of the Ebro Basin (Spain) and the Salento Peninsula (Italy)

La Vigna F., Teoli P., Leoni G., Mazza R. & Capelli G. - Sinkhole susceptibility maps: preliminary results concerning the Latium region (Central Italy)

Liguori V., Manno G. & Saia S. - Sinkholes: evaporite dissolution in south-central Sicily

Meloni F., Catalano G., Liperi L., Notarmuzzi M.C., Sericola A. & Zizzari P. - The Vallecorsa sinkholes between history and news

Meloni F., Nisio S., Ciotoli G., Liperi L., Tonelli V. & Zizzari P. - The Unified Regional Catalog of Latium sinkholes and its risk areas

Parise M., Calò F., Fornaro G. & Zeni G. - Using satellite and surface monitoring to mitigate the risk deriving from natural and anthropogenic sinkholes

Pepe P., Garziano G. & Parise M. - Using GIS techniques to assess the sinkhole susceptibility: the case study of Altamura (Bari province, Southern Italy)

Pirro M., Pagliuca M.N., Capriotti D., Nisio S. & Guarino P.M. - A sinkhole in the middle valley of the River Tiber: Vadimone lake

Valentinelli A. & Zumaglini M. - The “territorial dimension” of watershed management: influence of land use on peak stream flow and mudflows in a suburban case study

Bersani P., Nisio S. & Pizzino L. - Mineral water, gaseous emissions and seismicity in the area between Rome and its Southern seashore: historical data and new contributions