Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Twenty years of the Geological Cartography Project

The monograph presents the results achieved in about 20 years from the CARG project, the geological and geothematic Cartography Project at 1:50,000 scale of the entire national territory, presented during the conference held in Rome on 14 and 15 October 2008. The volume, in additon to providing information about technological innovations in the mapping sector, shows the contributions to geological knowledge regarding the geological risk, subsidence, earthquake risk, marine geology, infrastructure design, geophysics, civil protection, stratigraphy, volcanic hazard, teaching and scientific dissemination. In the monograph is enclosed an educational-popular atlas collecting material related to the exhibition "180 square meters of geological maps" realized in occasion of the conference. The exhibition, planned following the 10 science themes proposed by the International Year of Planet Earth, runs throughout Italy according to an ideal itinerary illustrating for each region a geological-environmental theme by the illustration of a geological sheet.


Publication in Italian

Available only in electronic format by clicking on the Authors listed under "Summary".


Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 88/2010

Presentation and introduction

Tacchia D. & Vatovec M.L. - The innovations in setting and printing of geological maps introduced by the CARG project


Lettieri M. - Carg Project - The Italian cartography project for the new geological map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale: state of the art (november 2008)

Forlati F. - Natural hazard and risk assessment: geological knowledge support

Tosi L., Teatini P., Carbognin L., Brancolini G. & Rizzetto F. - Spazial variability of the present land subsidence in the Venice area

Martelli L. - CARG data and territory government: the example of the definition of the local hazard for seismic risk reduction

Battaglini L., Campo V., Cipolloni C., Congi M.P., Delogu D. & Ventura R. - The Geographic Portal of the Geologic Survey of Italy. A geological data dissemination tool

Amanti M. - Geothematic Integration to Geological Map Survey: the “Antrodoco” case study

D'Angelo S. & Fiorentino A. - The Carg Project and marine geology: Mapping of submerged areas

Boerio V., Polattini S. & Tognala B. - Geological knowledgement and infrastructural design

Gasperini L. - Geophysical-Geological survey of Lake Trasimeno (F. 310 Passignano sul Trasimeno)

Di Bucci D. - Geological Information and Civil Protection activities

Cita M.B. - Stratigraphy and geological maps

Bernoulli D. - Mesozoic faults and folds in the South-Alpine and Austroalpine upper crust and its sedimentary cover

Barchi M.R., Boscherini A. & Motti A. - 20 years of Geological and Geothematical Maps in Umbria

Catalano R., Sulli A., Albanese C., Avellone G., Basilone L., Gasparo Morticelli M., Agate M., Valenti V. & Lena G. - Seismic reflection constraints in the frame of the CARG Project in Western Sicily

Branca S. - Sheet 634 Catania: stratigraphic methodology for mapping volcanic products of lower SE flank and consideration about volcanic hazard

D'Orefice M. - Innovative elements in the geological mapping of the Quaternary (CARG Project)

Valensise G. - Geologic cartography and active tectonic studies: an impossible marriage?

Piccin A. - Water resources in urban areas: integration between geology and hydrogeology

D'Ambrogi C. - 3D geological modelling: new tools to represent and to analyse geological data and structures

Morelli M., Mallen L., Nicolò G, Piana F. & Fioraso G. - Analysis of interferometry (PS-InSATM )

Pantaloni M. - The Geological Map of Italy at 1:1,000,000 scale and OneGeology: tradition and innovation

Coccioni R. - Geosites and Geotourism

Venturini C. - Geological maps like musical scores. From solmization to listering: how and when


  • Serra M. - Geological cartography in accordance with the CARG Project guide lines: some applications
  • Moretti M., Pieri P. & Spalluto L. - Geology of the Scheet 396 “San Severo” (Apulia, southern Italy)
  • Berti C., Miccadei E. & Piacentini T. - The role of geological survey in defining the morphostructural setting of Marsica region in the Sheet 378 “Scanno” (Abruzzo, Central Italy)
  • Berti D., Blumetti A., Capotorti F., Chiarini E., D'Ambrogi C., Di Stefano R., Fiorentino A., Guerrieri L., La Posta E., Marino M., Muraro C., Pantaloni M., Papasodaro F., Perini P., Pichezzi R.M. & Rossi M. - The geology of “Antrodoco” Sheet n. 348
  • Cesi C. & Eulilli V. - Geophysical cartography in urban areas. The “Roma” Gravimetric Sheet at the scale 1:50,000
  • Cavuoto G., Cammarosano A., Martelli L., Nardi G. & Valente A. - From the lithostratigraphic  re-view, according to the CARG criteria, to a new sedimentologic and sequence stratigraphy interpretation of the Cilento units cropping out in the area of the maps n. 502, 503 and 519
  • Pieri P., Sabato L., Spalluto L. & Tropeano M. - Stratigraphy of the Sheet 438 “Bari” (Apulia, southern Italy)
  • Amanti M., Chiessi V., Guarino P.M. & Serafini R. - Landslides cartography in “foglio Antrodoco” project: progress report and result
  • Dallagiovanna G., Gaggero L., Maino M. & Seno S. - Radiometric dating: from the post-Variscan to the collision and exhumation of an orogen. The Ligurian Alps through the Foglio-228 Cairo Montenotte
  • Argnani A. & Rovere M. - Geological Maps of the Adriatic Sea, scale 1:250,000 - Subcrop Charts
  • Trincardi F., Correggiari A. & Collaboratori - Fogli Superficiali - Geological Maps of the Adriatic Sea, scale 1:250,000 - Seafloor Charts
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ATLAS - 180 mq of geological maps