Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Reticula n. 19/2018 Monographic Number

Green infrastructures and soft mobility, experiences and considerations for new synergies

The benefits of soft mobility are numerous in terms of health, social cohesion and redevelopment of territories and landscapes. They could be increased if the elements of the soft mobility were integrated into the Green Infrastructures.

Therefore, the planning of these elements should not only affect the pathways but also support and emphasize the multifunctional character of a wider area.  It should aim at the redevelopment of crossed contexts, at the creation of the ecological connections and at the rediscovery of the values ​​of places.

This approach, providing a plurality of ecosystem services, is in line with the consolidated model of greenway.

The intent of this monographic RETICULA issue is to propose a non exhaustive but representative framework of the national experiences  projects with soft mobility elements, developed mostly on existing routes such as disused railways and pedestrian paths, highlighting the role that such elements could have in strategies and actions to improve and safeguard the quality of the territories in terms of ecological connectivity, protection of biodiversity and territorial resilience.

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Technical Periodicals


Preface by the Editorial Board of RETICULA

The Editorial

What if King George was right?

by M. Jevolella

I. Green infrastructures for soft mobility. Revitalising cities, territorial heritage and mobility for the Italian landscape

A. Donati

II. Normative and design principles for integrating cycling mobility and cycling tourism in protected areas

R. Di Marcello

III. Binari Verdi: a brand to valorize abandoned railways as greenways

R. Rovelli, G. Senes

BOX - From disused railways to greenways: the recovery of tracks for the benefit of territories through slow and sustainable tourism

C. Cattani

IV. Green and blue infrastructures and active mobility: allies for more resilient cities

A. Chiesura, M. Mirabile, M. Faticanti, S. Brini


V. A Cammino around the city: the case of the "Path of the Po River’s hills" in the MaB Unesco site of Turin

D. Genovese, I. Ostellino

VI. Desert flower: story of the CV Link greenway

M. Jones

BOX - Integrated design in progress

P. Cigalotto, P. Zanchetta

VII. Cycle paths of Calabria Region: seas, mountains and more

C. Spinosa, M. Guccione

VIII. The quality in the greenways design: an example for the Ponente Ligure

E. Mezzano, L. Andriano, R. Rovelli, A. Toccolini


IX. The Marsican road: a discovery-trails net for the knowledge of history, culture and landscape of the Marsica Fucino’s territory

S. Rozzi