Reticula n.20/2019
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The editorial
The wall between Mexico and United States: an announced disaster
by Beti Piotto
I. An ecological network "with" the city: the urban plan of Pavia
Gian Luigi. Bisogni, Sergio Malcevschi, Pier Benedetto Mezzapelle, Rriccardo Vezzani
II. Towards an environmentally integrated territorial planning
Stefania Grasso, Irene Mortari, Cristina Marietta, Elena Masala, Matteo Tabasso, Massimo Ceppi.
III. Coastal protected areas: special observatories of beach litter and its impact on the environment
Maria Carla de Francesco, Maria Laura Carranza, Marco Varricchione, Francesco Pio Tozzi, Angela Stanisci.
IV. Best management practices to reduce the vulnerability to eutrophication of the Bolsena Lake
Matteo Piccinno, Chiara Giuliani, Adrienn Veisz, Fabio Recanatesi.
Reticula News