Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



International day for disaster risk reduction 2022. Starts in Rome the project PNRR GeoSciences IR

Oct 13, 2022 to Oct 14, 2022
Officially today started in Rome the project GeologiciSciences IR, funded by MUR with the mission 4 of the PNRR which will realize an infrastructure for the Italian Network of Geological Service. This tool will provide data and services needed to carry out the monitoring and control functions of the territories in the different sector of Earth Sciences. Coordinated by ISPRA and which 16 partner participate (13 Universities and 3 Body Research) GeoSciences IR will focus on 12 priority topics: mining activities, soil protection, land use and consumption, sinkholes, landslides, active tectonics, geological heritage, marine geology, Copernicus and operational geology services, 3D geological modeling, geological and geothematic cartography, databases, metadata and services. The work, started the 1st October 2022, should last 30 months and at the end the infrastructure will must be operative for at least 10 years.

Urban Geology Expert Group

Oct 24, 2022 to Oct 26, 2022 Rome, ISPRA headquarter, Via V. Brancati, 48,
From 24 to 26 October ISPRA - Department for the Geological Survey of Italy, will host the second half-yearly meeting of the Urban Geology Expert Group of Euro Geo Surveys, the European federation of geological services. Urban geology is an emerging branch of earth sciences that studies urbanized contexts and their interactions with the subsoil on which they arise. Several projects are being carried out in this area by the various European geological services, ranging from three-dimensional modeling of the urban subsoil to communication activities aimed at increasing citizens' awareness of: both the problems that may arise from the subsoil and the resources that it can make available to cities, also with a view to mitigating and adapting to climate change. In this context, ISPRA coordinates and manages the Urban Geo-Climate Footprint project, the peculiarities of which will be presented in a public event on the last day of the meeting, or 26 October.

#House-Job-Better connections

Oct 27, 2022 from 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM Online event,
The Workshop organized as a Mobility Action as part of the European Mobility Week 2022, on the theme of online mobility management. The mobility managers of the Environmental Protection system as well as of ministries, public institutions and universities participate. The goal is to promote the figure of the mobility manager by sharing resources and concrete activities developed to foster a change towards a culture of sustainable urban mobility for employees.

Sustainable mobility in urban areas: the current situation and future prospects

Oct 27, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Rome, Villa Celimontana- Via della Navicella, 12,
The issue of sustainable mobility is one of the most important challenges that urban areas are called to face. Excessive use of private vehicles is responsible for emissions of polluting and climate-altering gases into the atmosphere, accidents, noise pollution. The conference aims to enhance all aspects of sustainable mobility that are addressed by stakeholders. Interventions are planned to illustrate the trend of emissions related to transport and the scenarios envisaged based on the most recent national regulatory acts (ISPRA), data on the car fleet and accidents (ACI), data on shared mobility (Observatory on sharing mobility) and on local public transport (ASSTRA), data on consumption and energy efficiency in the transport sector (ENEA). Program

A journey through science, knowledge and memories

Oct 01, 2022 from 09:30 PM to 10:30 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra Economia,
Tribute to Piero Angela He is the best-known speaker of scientific divulgation in Italy who, through his numerous broadcasts and documentaries, has been able to bring the public closer to science and thrill many young people to even very complex scientific topics. Founder of Cicap, he has dedicated his career to promoting a scientific and critical investigation of pseudoscience, the paranormal, the mysteries and the unusual, with the aim of spreading the scientific method and the critical spirit.

Training Workshop 2022 - The Earth seen from the sky: methodological and application aspects of the InSAR technique for the analysis of ground motion

Oct 05, 2022 to Nov 18, 2022 Florence - ETE Expo/Online,
The 2022 Workshop takes up the 2021 theme oriented to information on operational ground motion services based on satellite interferometry. The aim of this edition is to provide administrators and professionals with the operational elements to correctly interpret the products of the InSAR technique in relation to the monitoring and remediation of territorial instability.

Open Day 2022 at the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano dell'Emilia

Oct 16, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO), Via Cà Fornacetta 9,
Environment, biodiversity and habitat The staff of the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano, now in its third edition of the Open Day, will replicate the event by exhibiting field materials and leading the participants in groups to discover the characteristics of the Ca 'Fornacetta farm, in particular the fauna, how to monitor it and how recognize their traces. The public will also be guided within the conservation genetics laboratories.

2022 Ecolabel Award - 30 years of EU Ecolabel. Analysis and perspectives

Oct 14, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM
On 14 October ISPRA and the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee present the fifth edition of the "Ecolabel Award 2022 - 30 years of EU Ecolabel. Analysis and perspectives ”, in the Villa Celimontana in Rome, headquarters of the Italian Geographic Society. The event that rewards the Italian companies that have distinguished themselves for an effective dissemination and promotion of the "EU Ecolabel" brand for certified products and services, will also be an opportunity to celebrate 30 years of the EU Ecolabel and promote the exchange of experiences and the birth of cooperations between companies that with dedication and commitment have believed in this tool and have spread the knowledge among consumers.

Protecting the Giants of Mediterranean

Oct 13, 2022 to Oct 14, 2022 Rome, Industrie Fluviali, Via del Porto Fluviale, 35,
LIFE Conceptu Maris project, for the study and protection of cetaceans and sea turtles in the offshore On 13 and 14 October at the Industrie Fluviali multifunctional space in Rome, will take place the first public presentation of Life Conceptu Maris (CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability), the dedicated at the conservation of Mediterranean cetaceans and turtles and supported by the LIFE program, the financial instrument for the environment of the European Union