Summer school workshop Action 2020-2-21: Copernicus for cultural heritage
The Copernicus for Cultural Heritage Summer school – Workshops is the first of a cycle of three schools (the second in July in Germany and the third in September in Cyprus), funded under the Framework Partnership Agreement for Copernicus User Uptake programme. The Rome school organized by ISPRA aims to present methodologies, provide examples and case studies of data, products and services based on earth observation and applied to the monitoring and protection of the natural and cultural heritage threatened by natural and anthropogenic induced by climate change.
- Summer school workshop Action 2020-2-21: Copernicus for cultural heritage
- 2023-06-13T00:00:00+02:00
- 2023-06-16T23:59:59+02:00
- The Copernicus for Cultural Heritage Summer school – Workshops is the first of a cycle of three schools (the second in July in Germany and the third in September in Cyprus), funded under the Framework Partnership Agreement for Copernicus User Uptake programme. The Rome school organized by ISPRA aims to present methodologies, provide examples and case studies of data, products and services based on earth observation and applied to the monitoring and protection of the natural and cultural heritage threatened by natural and anthropogenic induced by climate change.
- When Jun 13, 2023 to Jun 16, 2023 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Rome, Sala Conferenze della Cartiera Latina - via Appia Antica 42/ Online
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1st day - 13 June 2023
- Copernicus for CH: cases of study and perspectives from Germany
Daniele Cerra, Gunter Schreier, Thomas Krauss, Benjamin Ducke, DLR
- An ESA Earth Observation perspective on Trends, Challenges and Future Prospects in Cultural Heritage
Jolanda Patruno, ESA Esrin
- The role of the EU Soil Observatory in developing data, knowledge, indicators for science and policy
Panos Panagos, JRC-Land Services
- Geotechnical engineering for the preservation of cultural heritage and the possibile aid of Earth Observation Data
Alessandro Flora, AGI TC301
- Copernicus Academy and the Italian network
Bernardo De Bernardinis, Copernicus Academy e Maria Vittoria Castellani, ISPRA
2nd day - 14 June 2023
- Climate change Global and European prospective and Forecasting
Bernardo Gozzini, CNR LAMMA
- Future climate in the Mediterranean Sea: a focus on sea-level change
Gianmaria Sannino, ENEA
- Il C3S a supporto dei servizi e dei prodotti idro-meteorologici e climatici nazionali
Stefano Mariani, ISPRA
3rd - 15 June 2023
- AI meets EO: Developments and Perspectives in the Analysis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage through Satellite Imagery
Giulio Poggi, ITT
- Application of air pollutant data for Cultural Heritage preservation
Raffaela Gaddi, ISPRA
- Coastal dynamics and CH
Gabriele Leoni e Filippo D'Ascola, ISPRA
- SAR change detection and InSAR techniques for study and conservation of cultural heritage, with a focus on ASI's COSMO-SkyMed constellation
Deodato Tapete, ASI
- Ground motion and CH
Gabriele Leoni, Francesco Menniti, Daniele Spizzichino
- IdroGEO and EGMS for CH
Alessandro Trigila, Carla Iadanza, ISPRA
4th - 16 June 2023
- Risk map for Cultural Heritage
Maria Elena Corrado, ICR e Carlo Cacace, MIC
- Interoperability between MiC’s databases: territorial informative system VIR
Maria Elena Corrado, ICR e Carlo Cacace, MIC
(the use of the presentation is intended for personal study purposes only)