Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The germplasm of wine and fruits of traditional Italian agriculture. Case Studies: Basilicata and Valle D’Aosta

With the seventh Bookleet of forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity, focused on the case-studies of Basilicata and Valle D’Aosta, ISPRA continues to promote the knowledge-sharing on Italian regional agrobiodiversity.

The bookleet, carried out by experts of Ispra and Arpa Emilia-Romagna, is part of a book necklace dedicated to endangered wine and fruits varieties, selected on the basis of interesting characteristics and considering their genetic erosion risk and protection needs.

With this iniziative ISPRA aims to contribute to the conservation of an important genetic and cultural resource, handed down for centuries by local farmers and fundamental to face future challanges of environmental changes.

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Nature and Biodiversity