Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Mobility management for public institute of research

Encourage Ispra employees to make more sustainable mobility choices



Presented at the European Mobility Week 2020, the Quaderno addresses the people involved with the management of employees mobility needs, pinpointing the behavioural field among the numerous others implicated in the transition towards a more sustainable mobility system.

In the first part Martellato, author and Mobility Manager of ISPRA, presents the scenario information and the criticality due to the excessive individual usage of cars, highlighting the behavioural components subtended the modal choices and examining the regulatory and organizational context.

The second part concerns Behavioural Science for Sustainability and Travel Behaviour, highlighting the importance of target groups and habits in travel choices. In the third part, she suggests a behavioural approach applied to the mobility management of Institute in monitoring with questionnaires and in communication of sustainable mobility itself. The conclusions summarize the practical guidelines of such approach. As an appendix, two articles about the communication of sustainable mobility for the European Mobility Week and an environmental-oriented post-lockdown restart.


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(Quaderni) Ambiente e Società