Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The value of recycling and recovery of plastic packaging for the national system

Sep 22, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Rome, Ara Pacis,
Sustainability Report 2021: the consortium's commitment to the environment, work and innovation Corepla promotes a comparison with the reference institutions on the issues of ecological transition and an in-depth analysis of the results achieved, testifying to the fact that the green revolution is not only linked to the protection of the environment but also to the development of employment and innovation in industrial field.

ISPRA Report "IEA preliminary activities for industrial installations under state jurisdiction"

Scientific technical support to the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Year 2021 In the reporting year, 122 Preliminary Reports and 151 Monitoring and Control Plans were drawn up following the overall reviews, partial reviews, substantial modification and non-substantial modification procedures. The summary sheets drawn up represent the updated authorization status for each industrial installation which is also useful in the subsequent inspection control phase.

ISPRA at the XVI National Conference of the Sections of Geosciences and Information Technologies and Hydrogeology of the Italian Geological Society

Sep 05, 2022 to Sep 07, 2022 Fondi (LT), Palazzo Caetani,
The XVI National Conference of the Sections of Geosciences and Information Technologies (GIT) and of the Hydrogeology Section (SI) of the Italian Geological Society (SGI) will be held from 5 to 7 September 2022. In the GIT Section it will be possible to exchange views and dialogue between students, young graduates, PhD students, researchers, freelancers and administrators of public and private entities, interested in the development and application of innovative methodological approaches for the analysis and management of environmental data in the field of Geosciences.

Sensi Naturali - Review of events in the mining lands of Allumiere

Sep 29, 2022 from 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM Allumiere (RM),
From August 26 to September 29, the mining lands of Allumiere, in Lazio, will host   Sensi Naturali , a review of cultural events that celebrate the ecological conversion of culture and art. The streets of alum will be the setting for scientific cafes, concerts, theatrical performances, photography exhibitions, walks and much more. The ISPRA coordinator of ReMi will be present on Thursday 29 September at 5.00 pm at the Court of the Chamber of Commerce for a scientific tasting based on geological histories of the geo-mineral lands of Allumiere.

ISPRA participates in the Annual Meeting of Geotechnical Researchers - IARG 2022

Sep 07, 2022 to Sep 09, 2022 Caserta,
The Annual Meeting of Geotechnical Researchers will be held from 7 to 9 September 2022 at the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" - Caserta. The meeting is an opportunity in which all the researchers of the sector, belonging to numerous Italian universities, will meet to present the main results of the research in progress. Among the numerous topics addressed, we will discuss laboratory experiments, constitutive models, works and geotechnical systems. ISPRA is expected to participate on 7 September in terms of laboratory results on the mechanical reinforcement effect of vegetation on the ground, in the context of naturalistic engineering and environmental sustainability, in contrast to landslides and soil erosion phenomena.

State of the art of observation systems to assess environmental threats to the Mediterranean ecosystem

Sep 08, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM Rome,
On Thursday 8 September the national event of the ShareMED project group will be held in Rome at the National Research Council, the main objective of which is to increase the capacity of the authorities (trans-national, national and local) of the Mediterranean to jointly evaluate and address the risks related to pollution and the co-existing environmental threats of our seas.

Book presentation: "Walking in the environment"

Sep 10, 2022 to Sep 11, 2022 Trevignano Romano,
As part of the Naturarte festival, the presentation of the Volume "Walking in the enviromnet" will be held on Sunday 11 September, a publication produced by ISPRA aimed at an audience of young students, teachers and non-experts, to find out about the state of health of environment in which we live and promote its protection.

The role of monitoring in the study and management of hydrogeological risk for the protection of the mountain territory

Sep 28, 2022 to Sep 30, 2022 Casa della Cultura di Badia La Villa (BZ),
The event is organized by the ASITA Federation together with the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Italian Association of Applied and Environmental Geology (AIGA), the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology (AIGEO) and the Italian section of the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG ). The event will deal with monitoring with geomatic tools (acquisition, management and representation of territorial and environmental data) as a knowledge base, predictive and mitigation tool in the management of hydrogeological risk.

The Monk seal has returned to Capraia

Since the specimen was sighted, monitoring of the cave of the island of Capraia has begun, chosen as a home by a monk seal. The control and monitoring activity involved the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, ISPRA, the Municipality of Capraia and the Port Authority. The monk seal had been missing from the waters of the central Tyrrhenian Sea since the 1960s and its return is of enormous value in terms of protecting marine biodiversity. Until now, there were images of the monk seal of only a few seconds taken with occasional shots at the water's edge. For the first time it is possible to see the animal inside its "den" in the resting phase.

Kick off meeting progetto PNRR "Tech4You"

Sep 27, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM Rende,
The Kick off meeting of the PNRR "Tech4You" project will be held on 27 September at the University of Calabria. As part of the project, ISPRA participates as an affiliated partner in Spoke 2 - Goal 2.3 "Protection and enhancement of biodiversity". The project aims to study and protect the marine environment.

Study on municipal waste prevention measures adopted by municipalities

ISPRA has published a report which presents a second  study on the measures to prevent the production of urban waste adopted by local administrations to which a specific questionnaire prepared by ISPRA. This questionnaire is divided into 20 questions elaborated in the light of the measures established for the new National Waste Prevention Program by art. 180 of Legislative Decree 152/06 (amended by Legislative Decree 116/2020).

Climate change mitigation: the contribution of agriculture and forests

Oct 06, 2022 to Oct 07, 2022 Rome and GoToWebinar platform,
Agriculture, including animal husbandry, is often indicated as an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, even if the data made available by international (IPCC, FAO) and national (ISPRA) organizations indicate a less significant contribution than that of other human activities. However, it remains a priority to act in compliance with EU and national policies to mitigate the contribution of the primary sector (agricultural production, land use and land use change) to the greenhouse effect and climate change.

General States of the New Public Communication

Sep 16, 2022 09:00 AM to Sep 17, 2022 04:00 PM Bergamo,
Bergamo will host the eighth edition of the General States of the new public communication scheduled at the Aula Magna of the University of Bergamo. The initiative, organized by PA Social, in collaboration with the University of Bergamo, the Municipality and Province of Bergamo, the Lombardy Region, the Digital Italy Foundation, the SdC Network and the Order of Journalists of Lombardy, will take stock of what is happening in the world of Italian digital communication and public information, with the presentation of news and good practices from all over the country.

Geosciences for a sustainable future

Sep 19, 2022 to Sep 21, 2022 Torino,
The Geosciences for a sustainable future congress, organized by the Italian Geological Society (SGI) and the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP), opens today in Torino, three days of scientific sessions on the main topics of Geosciences with plenary conferences of prominent scholars international, round tables, workshops and forums on topics of significant geological-social impact and on major issues of public interest. The ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta and the DG Maria Siclari will participate in the opening ceremony.

Congress One Health 2022

Sep 13, 2022 to Sep 18, 2022 Capaccio Paestum (SA),
The focus of the congress activities that will open with the 5th MedPalynoS and will continue with the 16th AIA (Italian Society of Aerobiology, Environment and Medicine) Congress, is to recognize that the human health is linked to plants, animals and environment health. This Joint Congress will be the occasion for a complete excursus on Palynology which gradually more converges in the definition of the science of ecosystem processes and in the paradigm of the “One Health” concept.

ISPRA and the RAMOGE 2022 Oceanographic Campaign - First important results in the study of biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures on canyons and submerged rocky outcrops of the Ligurian Sea

On Wednesday 7 September, the ISPRA research vessel "Astrea" started the RAMOGE 2022 oceanographic campaign from the port of Savona, for the study of the deep environments of France, the Principality of Monaco and Italy, the countries that have signed the RAMOGE Agreement. This new initiative follows the experiences of the two previous RAMOGE campaigns, conducted respectively in 2015, with "Astrea", and in 2018, on board the French research ship "L’Atalante" of IFREMER.

Final conference Aquila a-Life project

Sep 21, 2022 09:00 AM to Sep 22, 2022 05:00 PM
The final conference of Aquila a-LIFE will be held on 21 and 22 September 2022, during which the results obtained in the 5 years of the project (2017-2022) will be presented. The AQUILA a-LIFE Project (LIFE16 NAT / ES / 000235), funded by the European Union, aims at the recovery of Bonelli's Eagle in various areas of the western Mediterranean. For this reason, more than 120 specimens of this species have been released in Spain and Italy and the main current threats to the raptor have been addressed, with particular reference to the danger of electrocution. ISPRA followed the release activities in Sardegna.

Sulfur National Park of Marche and Romagna - States General

Sep 23, 2022 Urbino,
The States General of the Sulfur National Park of Marche and Romagna will be held on Friday 23 September in Urbino. The event will be an opportunity to analyze the new challenges posed by the recent territorial expansion and to the work of defining the new ministerial decree that will regulate the design, programming and planning activities.