Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Greenwashing and social washing, an obstacle to the just ecological transition

May 16, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Milano,
The term "sustainability", in Italy as in the world, is by now inflated, widespread among politics, the media, schools, the advertising world. The risk is that this word could lose its effectiveness and be used improperly. And not only in the case of communication strategies with misleading messages from an environmental point of view (greenwashing), but also when these operations concern the social plan (social washing). ASviS has actively contributed to the dissemination of the values ​​of the 2030 Agenda in society: now the time has come to safeguard them, identifying false cases and promoting the more valid ones. To do this, it is necessary to equip oneself with analysis tools, strengthen the multi-stakeholder approach and produce concrete actions, such as a pact between consumers and producers against greenwashing.

The smart city between information, new tools and skills in a path of sustainability

May 10, 2023 Rome,
On 10 May in Rome, smart cities will be discussed in the new Eco-Media Academy training course. Cities, large and small, are undergoing a period of transformation. The international, economic and even health context has accelerated the transition to an increasingly smart society, which requires adequate infrastructure but which must take into account needs in line with a more sustainable lifestyle.

Contaminated megasites: the governance and management of complex areas. Experiences from Europe and other continents

May 25, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 06:00 PM Taranto,
The conference will be held on May 25 at the Taranto Ecoforum (TEF) as a pre-event of Remtech Europe and is organized in collaboration with the Puglia Region, the Province and the Municipality of Taranto, with the contribution of the Port Authority. The event, in English, will be an opportunity to bring together large companies, start-ups and stakeholders of the public administration, to share innovation experiences and encourage the creation of new partnerships.

Ships of May

May 04, 2023 Livorno,
The spring programming of events included in Italian Port Days and coordinated by the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea in collaboration with Assoporti-Association of Italian ports kicked off on 11 April. In addition to the visits to the ports offered to citizens, May 4 will be the day dedicated to the "Ships of May" event organized by the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and which offers local schools the opportunity to visit the boats for the protection of the marine-coastal environment moored at the Medicean port as well as informative meetings that will be held in the spaces of the Old Fortress.

Presentation of the “MobilitAria 2023” report

May 24, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM Rome,
The sixth Mobilitaria Report 2023 was drawn up by the Kyoto Club together with the CNR - Institute on Atmospheric Pollution. Among the main contents of the 2023 report is an overall analysis of the concentrations of pollutants monitored in recent years in metropolitan cities, and an analysis of the mobility situation in the capital municipalities of metropolitan cities and of the measures envisaged by the Urban Plans for Sustainable Mobility.

Online the number 32 of the technical-scientific magazine RETICULA

This number hosts articles to illustrate the activities of ISPRA linked both to the identification of areas to be protected for the achievement of the objectives of the European Strategy for Biodiversity to 2030, and to the Map of Nature project and its role in the delimitation and zoning of Protected Areas with the presentation of a new ecological risk index.

ISPRA experts in Turkey to study the effects of last February's earthquake on the environment

ISPRA participated from 24 to 26 April in the mission to Ankara, organized by the Civil Protection Department in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Turkey, aimed at meeting the main Turkish institutions involved in the emergency and post-emergency phases of the seismic sequence of 6 and 7 February that hit Turkey and Syria. The meetings were preparatory to the new mission underway from 7 to 13 May, agreed with AFAD (Turkish Civil Protection), on the places affected by the earthquakes.

On the space. Science and beauty

May 12, 2023 from 03:30 PM Rome, University Roma Tre,
On Friday 12 May at 15:30, at the Department of Law, there will be a day for all science and art enthusiasts entitled “On the space. Science and beauty". The meeting will remember the writer and journalist Pietro Greco - lighthouse for science communication in Italy.

The virtuous territory creates new relationships for the common good

May 05, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Tivoli,
Ecological Cities for Collection, Recycling, Waste Reduction The focus of the event takes up one of the sustainable objectives of the 2030 Agenda, SDG 11, which aims at transforming urban centers into sustainable cities through the enhancement of territories, starting from the cultural promotion of new relationships between citizens and progress of the polis, up to the access of the entire population to essential services, but above all to the ecological transition, an objective that can be achieved through the reduction of negative impacts on the environment, the optimization of waste management, the enhancement of green areas and public spaces safe and inclusive, with care for the commons and specific attention paid to the urban suburbs.

Urban forestation and Nature based solutions for the sustainable future of cities

May 17, 2023 from 10:15 AM to 02:00 PM Orto Botanico of Rome,
The European Green Deal, the Next Generation Eu and the European Strategy for Biodiversity place the return of nature in our lives and, in particular, in cities, at the center of restoration ecology. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr), on a proposal from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, financed a measure dedicated to urban forestry in the 14 metropolitan cities.

Maremma, the osprey is back

The species has returned to nest in the Maremma Regional Park The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a species of significant conservation interest which, in the Mediterranean basin, has suffered a sharp decline in population due to direct persecution and coastal exploitation.

Water, a common front against the climate crisis

Jul 14, 2023 to Jul 15, 2023 Parma,
In Parma on 14 and 15 July 2023 two days of study and discussion on the water resource and its delicate environmental, economic and social balance. The centrality that the water resource is increasingly assuming in the environmental, economic and social balances requires a reflection on the part of the institutions and stakeholders on the sustainable management of the water resource. May's flood events in Emilia-Romagna teach us. For these reasons, the Po River Basin District Authority has decided to organize, with the support of the Globe Italia National Climate Association, two study days on the subject, to formulate a series of concrete proposals, based on solid scientific foundations.

Towards the Allumiere Monti della Tolfa Geomining Archaeological Park

May 23, 2023 Archaeological Naturalistic Mining Museum “A. Klitsche de La Grange”,
On the occasion of the XV National Mining Day, the Municipality of Allumiere and the A. Klitsche de la Grange Archaeological Naturalistic Mining Museum, in collaboration with the National Network of Italian Mining Parks and Museums – Re.Mi. of ISPRA and the Geodiversity and Natural Monuments Area of ​​the Lazio Region Environment Directorate, organize from 23 to 28 May 2023 in Allumiere, the study and meeting days "Towards the Archaeological Geomining Park | Allumiere Monti della Tolfa”.

The San Felice Cemetery in Rome: ISPRA's hypothesis on the funerary complex that disappeared in 1500

During a new study on the underground cavities of the Portuense district of Rome, ISPRA researchers have achieved access to an underground quarry that could be connected with the underground cemetery dedicated to the antipope San Felice II. The Cemetery, which was located on top of a hill, was an important pilgrimage destination until the end of the Middle Ages, to then disappear around 1500. The hypothesis is that it was subjected to landslides and sinking and that part of it is still found under the urban fabric of Rome.

Presage of diversity and risks of climate change

May 20, 2023 Lecce,
In the whole of the biodiversity week of Puglia next 20 may in Lecce it will be held a meeting on "Presage of diversity and risks of climate change", which an Ispa expert is participating, with a speech about "The UN agreement asks us to integrate the values ​​of nature in agriculture to reverse the decline of biodiversity and make peace with the world by 2030".

The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" (2050)

May 16, 2023 to May 18, 2023 Auditorium San Gaetano - Padova,
The new edition of "Duezerocinquezero" will be held from 16 to 18 May, three days in which to trace together our path towards 2050, the ultimate horizon of the energy transition. We know the coordinates, but in order to reach the zero-emissions goal in time, we must find a new balance: between energy needs and protection of the planet, between economic indicators and scientific progress, between business and ethics.

ISPRA and ACI sign a memorandum of understanding to encourage sustainable mobility

May 17, 2023
The President of ISPRA Stefano Laporta and the President of ACI Angelo Sticchi Damiani have signed a three-year memorandum of understanding, aimed at promoting collaboration on sustainable mobility. In particular, each with their own skills and institutional purposes, they will provide knowledge and professionalism to improve mobility in terms of safety and environmental sustainability.

Monk Seal: sighting close the coast of Capri

On Sunday 7 May, some boaters sighted and videotaped a monk seal about 2.3 miles off the west coast of the island of Capri. Thanks to the report from the researchers of the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples, ISPRA staff immediately contacted the spotters to validate the information and enter the data collected as part of the national monitoring program on this species.

The giant leap. An Earth for all

May 17, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Milan,
The conference, organized by ASviS as part of the 2023 Sustainable Development Festival, is an opportunity to present the position paper "The giant leap - new global policies to meet the challenge of our time", realized as part of the Group's activities ASviS work on Goals 6-14-15. The document offers an overview of how to change the economic paradigm and pursue the policies related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

National Sea Day

May 16, 2023
ISPRA is participating today, at the Castelporziano Estate, in the National Day of the Sea, promoted by the Ministry for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella and the Minister Nello Musumeci. ISPRA exhibits two exhibitions, one dedicated to the adventures of  sea turtle Carrie , created as part of the INDICIT Project, which narrates the dangers Carrie encounters due to abandoned nets, plastics and microplastics. The second exhibition  " 20.000 nets under the sea"  is realized as part of the Mo.Ri.Net Project, whose objective is the conservation of marine habitats in two pilot areas of Sardinia through actions that include the removal of marine litter and fishing gear fishing lost, actively involving fishermen and raising awareness of the problem with dissemination and dissemination activities. From the point of view of the Circular Economy, the polyethylene waste collected, if suitable, is sent to the recycling and valorisation process. Both exhibitions, together with the exhibition stand, were visited by President Mattarella and Minister Musumeci. ISPRA president Stefano Laporta and the DG Maria Siclari have participated at the event. Photo gallery