Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The ecological beach

The beaches of the Mediterranean Sea represent a delicate and precious ecosystem which, especially in sites with a strong tourist vocation, suffer the impacts associated with tourism and incorrect or insufficient management practices. Among these there is certainly the removal of Posidonia oceanica deposits which are considered a negative element by managers and bathers. These deposits can form structures called banquettes which are a valuable resource for coastal ecosystems and beach conservation. Their removal during the usual beach cleaning practices can seriously compromise the integrity of the entire coastal habitat.
In this context, the model of the ECOLOGICAL BEACH was developed by ISPRA, for the sites affected by the presence of deposits of Posidonia oceanica (banquette) with the aim of making possible a balanced coexistence between conscious seaside tourism and the protection of coastal ecosystems, re-evaluating the concept of a natural beach. A model that promotes the adoption of good practices for the correct management of the coasts and the protection of species and habitats present, directly involving citizens in the implementation of concrete actions of environmental education and training as well as monitoring and conservation of natural resources.

ISPRA has published the guidelines "The Ecological Beach: sustainable management of the Posidonia banquette along the Lazio shorelines" and a peer-reviewed scientific publication Effectiveness of the “Ecological Beach” Model: Beneficial Management of Posidonia Beach Casts and Banquette which describe the different management strategies available to the administrations to adhere to the Ecological Beach model.