Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Uncertainty associated with sampling in chemical analyses

Mar 09, 2023 01:30 PM to Mar 10, 2023 01:30 PM Online event,
During the event, organized by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in collaboration with Accredia, ALPI and INRIM, the Italian edition of the Eurachem/CITAC Guide will be presented UNCERTAINTY ASSOCIATED WITH SAMPLING IN CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. The Guide describes the methods for evaluating the uncertainty associated with sampling processes, which constitutes an essential element of the overall uncertainty attributable to the measurement result.

The value of hunting in Italy

Mar 14, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Rome, Senate of Republic,
The research entrusted by Federcaccia to Nomisma on hunting in Italy will be presented on 14 March. The Head of the ISPRA Wildlife Activities Coordination Service will participate in the round table.

XVI National Pollen Day 2023

Mar 21, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM Rome, Camera dei Deputati/Diretta streaming,
Environmental monitoring and prevention of pollen allergy risks On 21 March, on the occasion of the XVI edition of the National Pollen Day, the Italian Society of Aerobiology, Medicine and the Environment (S.I.A.M.A.) is organizing the seminar "Environmental monitoring and prevention of risks from pollen allergies".

World wildlife day 2023

Mar 03, 2023
Today 3 March, World Wildlife Day reminds us of the importance that wild fauna and flora have for the conservation of biodiversity Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013, the World Day of Wild Fauna and Flora celebrates the signing of the Washington Convention (CITES ) which, since 3 March 1973, has the purpose of regulating, monitoring and prohibiting trade in plant species and endangered animals. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the convention, it was decided to give importance to the theme of the partnership for conservation: collaboration, exchange of scientific data, common objectives for nature conservation. ISPRA, within the scope of its institutional mandate, carries out activities of technical evaluation, study and monitoring of the dynamics of wild populations including migrations, conservation genetics, with the aim of conserving wildlife intended as protection and wildlife heritage management. On the occasion of the World Day of Wild Fauna and Flora, a thematic section entitled “ Fauna, Enviroment and Man" was published on the ISPRA portal with a series of documents useful for further study.

Lakes, mirror of climate change

Mar 22, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM Parco Regionale dei Castelli Romani - Via Cesare Battisti 5, Rocca di Papa (RM),
Emerging phenomena, dynamics, potential and tools for the management and care of the Castelli Romani Park The anthropic impact, emerging pollutants, senseless use put a strain on the quantity and quality of water almost everywhere on the planet, the safety of the territory and the health of citizens risk being endangered.

ISPRA is also among the big names in international research that have won European projects for the conservation of Biodiversity

The kick-off meeting was held in Rome from 20 to 22 February which brought together the 14 partners (from 7 countries) involved in the ambitious Wolfness project: La Sapienza University, ISPRA, the Institute of Applied Ecology, the Edmund Mach Foundation and the National Park of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines (Italy), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); the Universities of Lunds and Gothenburg (Sweden); the CIBIO/InBIO (Portugal), the University of Leipzig; and the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Institute (Germany); the University of León, the Estacion Biologica de Donana (Spain); the University of Koc (Turkey).

The Italian Association of Citizen Science was born

Feb 17, 2023
On February 17, at the Botanical Garden in Rome, the Italian Association of Citizen Science was born with headquarters at the Natural History Museum of Maremma in Grosseto. The Association is the result of a process launched in 2017 to which ISPRA and the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) participated, whose key moments were the organisation of two National Conferences and the drafting of  “ Guidelines for the development of a national Citizen Science strategy ”.    Citizen Science or “participatory science” is a growing reality involving volunteers and scientists in collaborative research activities based on scientific evidence with a scientific, social and educational value also guiding environmental policies.

5th Coastal Ecology Seminar

Mar 09, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 06:00 PM Taglio di Po - RO, Museo della Bonifica di Cà Vendramin,
The seminar is an opportunity to take stock of the situation on management and knowledge activities related to coastal ecosystems. The seminar is expected to be attended by public and private representatives involved in the study and management of the coastal territory: Municipalities, Park Authorities, regional and national structures, supervisory bodies, local stakeholders. Numerous topics will be addressed: update on the management activities of the Venetian Lagoon; analysis of the anthropic impact on the nesting of aquatic birds in the Po Delta; the situation of cetaceans in the Upper Adriatic; the Anguilla Rescue Project.

National event on the EU Soil Mission - Towards the establishment of 100 living labs and lighthouses

Mar 10, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Aula Rogers, Edificio 11,
The national events organized by the Horizon Europe NATI00NS project aim to promote the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” in national and regional contexts, providing access to quality materials and information, stimulating discussions on the best configurations of Living Labs (LL ) to address specific soil needs in various local contexts. Ultimately, the aim is to support regional and national bodies and organizations to apply for calls from the European Commission on the theme "Living Labs for soil health". The participation of an ISPRA expert is expected.

Innovation and circular economy: new opportunities for sustainable cereal production

Mar 21, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Brescia - Università degli Studi di Brescia, Aula Consiliare di Ingegneria,
The conference is organized as part of the activities of the "RICREA - Cereal waste for bioremediation" project, co-financed by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Directorate General for the Circular Economy. The aim of the RICREA project is to develop a technological solution that allows both the recycling of waste generated by the transformation of cereals and the recovery of waste generated by the remediation of contaminated land.

General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union 2023

Apr 23, 2023 to Apr 28, 2023
The EGU General Assembly 2023 will bring together geoscientists from around the world for a meeting on topics from the disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to create a forum where scientists can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. In this international context, ISPRA will present some statistics on the use of naturalistic engineering in projects aimed at mitigating hydro-geological risk in Italy. In particular, the following will be analysed: the types of works most used, the proportion between naturalistic and "traditional" engineering and the geographical location of the interventions with respect to the protected areas of the Natura 2000 network. The aforementioned study was carried out through the analysis and processing of the data available in the ReNDiS database, the ISPRA tool for monitoring interventions for hydro- geological instability.

A tropical porcupine fish found on the Lazio coast

It is the second specimen reported in the Mediterranean Sea since 2008 The invitation of ISPRA and CNR-IRBIM: "Reporting means learning to know, continue to support research" It is a porcupine fish, also known as speckled porcupine fish, the specimen of about 60 cm beached in Santa Marinella and reported by a fisherman thanks to the campaign "Beware of those 4!" launched by ISPRA and CNR IRBIM to inform citizens about the presence of four alien fish potentially dangerous for human health.

AQUAE! World Water Day 2023

Mar 22, 2023 from 09:15 AM to 06:45 PM Rome - Auditorium della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale,
The Conference, promoted by the University of Rome "Foro Italico" and by Siti, the Italian Society of Hygiene in partnership with ACEA, aims to explore the issues related to World Water Day and disseminate the UN Water Development Report 2023, this year entitled "Accelerating Partnership an Cooperation on Water". The event is aimed not only at institutions and research bodies, but also at the general public and at Italian school children.

39th plenary meeting of the EPA Network

Mar 21, 2023 Bruxelles,
ISPRA President Stefano Laporta and General Director  Maria Siclari attended the 39th plenary meeting of the EPA Network in Brussels. Among the topics addressed, the need to develop cooperation and the arguments of the interest group on sustainable finance and to make it more effective for the stakeholders involved. ISPRA is working on green finance with a task force to help operators understand environmental data.

Biomethane from organic waste: an innovative supply chain for the circular economy

Mar 16, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Italy is today the leading European country in the recycling of organic waste. The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE), through the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) has provided new incentives for biomethane producers. The GSE, the body in charge of qualifying the plants and verifying the access requirements and maintenance of the incentives, has published the Application Procedures which detail the methods of recognition. The Italian Composters Consortium, which includes the main organic waste recycling operators and the largest biomethane producers, discusses it with MASE and GSE, taking stock of the situation and trying to clarify the main doubts.

HydroQuakes: pre-seismic hydrogeochemical anomalies

Mar 23, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM Online event,
On 23 March, at the Rome office of INGV, the workshop on the relationship between earthquakes and fluids will be held, with particular regard to pre-seismic hydrogeochemical, hydrogeophysical and seismohydrological signals.

Final event of the 4th edition of the Valore Acqua Community for Italy

Mar 22, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM Rome, Acquario Romano,
The meeting concludes the fourth year of activity of the Valore Acqua per l'Italia Community, the high-level discussion platform activated by The European House - Ambrosetti in 2019 which deals with the issue of water resource management as a driver of competitiveness and sustainable industrial development

The European wildcat: a thousand-year history written in the DNA

Using one of the largest DNA biobanks of the species available in Europe, ISPRA geneticists have reconstructed the complex evolutionary history of wild cat populations in the recent article published in the prestigious scientific journal Animals. The study, in addition to clarifying the evolutionary dynamics of the predator, also offers an invaluable support for identifying the correct management units of wildcats present in Europe and for planning adequate conservation actions on a continental scale.