Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Emissions in Atmosphere

Italy estimates and reports annually the quantities of greenhouse gases and pollutants released into the atmosphere by sources relevant for the purposes of the national inventory. This section provides the historical series of emissions into the atmosphere, quarterly estimates of greenhouse gas emissions, data relating to the national average emission factors of road transport, and the most relevant documents accompanying official communications relating to the national inventory.

  • Banca dati dei fattori di emissione medi del trasporto stradale in Italia
    The database of average emission factors relating to road transport presented here is based on the estimates made for the preparation of the national inventory of emissions into the atmosphere, created annually by Ispra as a tool for verifying international commitments on the protection of atmospheric environment, such as the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, the Geneva Convention on Transboundary Air Pollution (UNECE-CLRTAP), the European Directives on the limitation of emissions.
    Databases of emission factors, processing and documentation on the emission in atmosphere
  • Inventario Nazionale Emissioni in Atmosfera
  • Emission trading registry of Italy  
    The site offers support to users of the Registry, providing general information and detailed indications on the procedures to be followed to operate and participate in the emissions trading system.
  • Stima trimestrale delle emissioni in atmosfera di gas serra
    The quarterly estimate of emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere aims to verify the dissociation between economic activity and pressure on the natural environment. Decoupling occurs when in a given period the growth rate of environmental pressure (for example, greenhouse gas emissions) is lower than that of the economic activity (for example, GDP) which is at the origin. The quarterly communication of these data allows to regularly inform on the trend of emissions and at the same time to show the interrelationships between economy and environment