Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

Alien species, most dangerous in the Mediterranean
Last 19 July started the  ISPRA's dissemination campaign to tell about thespecific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research.
The fifteenth initiatives is dedicated to the most dangerous alien species in the Mediterranean.
The presence and possible introduction of new alien species can be more dangerous in the Mediterranean, which is home to about 7.5% of the world's animal species (about 17,000, a specific wealth 10 times higher than the average). Moreover, given the particular morphology of the Mediterranean and by virtue of the connections with the adjacent basins, the increase was significantly higher than in other basins such as the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. This invasion is an involuntary consequence of the human being.